Friday, September 15, 2017

Getting The Point

Just as God separated soul from spirit and His children from the custodianship of their natural parents, we now enjoy in Him a reference to ourselves that displaces even the most glorious images of ourselves we've ever held. Any standing we've ever attained or hoped to attain in the mind of men on Earth is displaced by what's held in the mind of God in Heaven.

As for those people on Earth who've always legitimately esteemed us as highly as humanly possible, the ones celebrating us and loving us even to the same extent that they love their own selves, though there be no greater love than this, and these are indeed our brothers and our sisters, it still remains that it's only God Himself who occupies the sole and exclusive rank of being our Parent Reference.

What good things our brothers and sisters believe of us have weight only because their words are being backed by God's saying and believing the same! So each member of every family in Heaven and on Earth concedes to the position of authority occupied solely by our Father in Heaven. His faith is truth, and His love for Jesus is unveiled in us as being our one true Parent-Reference. His being has securely united us all, as One family, under Him. 

So concerning our shared design, there have been a series of transformations which led to our standing in the place we now occupy. First, we were translated from the spiritual sphere of the heavenly world in Christ, placed into the perfect sanctity of our mother's physical wombs. He formed us there according to the exact specifications of His own personal design for us. Then, when He'd already accomplished what He'd set out to do in us there, He transplanted us once more, this time severing us completely from that "under construction" state that we'd physically been in from the womb-- We were declared complete! So that we may occupy the Earth itself, free from everything.(restrictions, shortcomings, or delays).

In maturity, we live and we grow in our comprehension of who we are and what's been done in us by God. Upon the awakening of the memory of our Heavenly Sonship and of our original life in the Spirit of Jesus before the creation of this physical universe, we embrace a brand-new reference to our birth.

The new reference, one that is not at all new but is newly unveiled in time as it'd always been in eternity, is one in which we encounter ourselves as having arises from the waters of the Earth itself. Our origin no longer merely references the waters of natural birth, which would define us separately from any other person born from any other womb (including Jesus Himself) but acknowledging our origin in the plan and engineering of God, our being lifted up from the waters of baptism represents our being of the same womb as Jesus Himself and all humanity in Him! So confirmed in the sign of every baptism, Jesus unveils our living of His life, in the flesh, as having always been the destiny, purpose and the ultimate desire of our Dad in Heaven.

Our Dad in Heaven (Jesus' Dad) gives us definition above and beyond the definitions and labels we gathered on Earth. Even the best labels we were associated and identified with on Earth are eclipsed, association with even the most loving family or most prestigious name is overshadowed by a greater association with a greater Household and even that sacred place where He personally hand knitted us together and formed every detail of our bodies according to the exact specifications of His Will, the womb of our natural birth itself no longer has any authority to stake any claim on you or your design.

That blueprint you were designed from, that information God referenced as He created you, the original thought from which He constructed and engineered us, was indeed His own image and likeness. He is today, yesterday, and forever our One true Parent reference. Every human parent on Earth is like a finger pointing to the exclusive parenthood of God Himself. So even in the place of rest, the all consuming adventure of our lives is now being together introduced to God's own image of us in Christ Jesus. -f

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