Sunday, September 3, 2017

Parenting: One oh One

That what they say about their kids always comes to pass doesn't necessarily prove good judgement. All the confidence they put into their efforts to control and predict our future behavior always causes them to act in anticipation of what they expect, sowing seeds in us towards the aim of bringing their desires to pass.

The child wants nothing more than to be faithful to the parent's image of them. In truth, it's the parents tongue that ignites fires facilitating whatever behavior they're speaking in anticipation of. Imagine the wildfire a small spark could cause? If kids have to wear leashes in public, their parents should have to wear a muzzle! But I digress...

Parent's seldom fail to find what they expect to find in their children. It isn't by some mystical majestic knowledge, but they carry an inward sense of what to expect from their offspring, based from their knowing themselves. Any authority executed by a parent is founded upon one claim: the blood claim of their children having been made in their own image and likeness, sustained by their good, conceived by their passion, subject to their desire and birthed in the travail of their suffering. Thank God that Jesus exceeded every definition of parental authority, casting out the rules of flesh world and claiming me in His own image and likeness.

I exist faithfully radiating HIS desire for me! It wasn't His having pleased Mary's desire that caused Him to know Himself as He did, feel loved, accepted, protected, provided for by God, or any good thing the mother of all mother's would erroneously have ascribed to her doing by a foolish and perverse generation. Thinking that your being bone of their bone and flesh of their flesh defined your association to them is the reason why our every meal today testifies of our being bone of God's bone and flesh of Jesus' flesh instead. No more eating food sacrificed to idols.

To close a prior point, consider how children get over-ruled by their parents. It's because the parent-reference always knows what to expect from your flesh better than the immature, incomplete, developing offspring does. Having already been construed as such by them, reduced to what could be gathered by their senses, ignorant that we are ourselves Gods and children of the Most High God, they think they have authority over you simply because they've already walked many miles in your skin. This reliance on past human experiences enslaves humanity into becoming a tired race of repeats.

It makes some sense to carry forward what come from those before us however, are we mere flesh? So lets not base traditions on a history of what FLESH has done, from the perspective of FLESH but what has SPIRIT done? What is time from the perspective of the SPIRIT? Has the POV of flesh, or anything based on the realm of senses, ever succeeded in satisfying our hunger or quenching our thirst when our yearning is for something more? Is it too much to ask for something powerful enough to separate us from the realm we'd known and been known in for so long and for there to be something in a person that can elevate us to places where all the pressures down below now seem absent, a place where contradictions are of little effect and no consequence, a place where the weaknesses encountered in the flesh actually become of great assistance to the lifting of our Eagle's Wing, as we make off like baron's profiting from a nation's economic collapse, because an occasion to show mercy has now arisen for us an occasion to exhibit our grace, and our grace is sustained by the Truth our Father allows us to participate in, and share participation in simply because we're His and His alone!

In truth, because we are NOT the image and likeness of our physical earth-born parents, but of God Himself. Who cares if they were veiled from why you're perfect, the failures of parents (real and surrogate, in their many shapes and sizes) are forever off the hook as we've been protected in God from any further failures. Every being we encounter in the flesh is a fully matured, blossomed, bloomed, ready to be enjoyed, fit for masters use and endless enjoyment child of God, whether they've had the glorious privilege of encountering themselves as being believed as such by parents in the flesh. Our original parents in the flesh, Adam and Eve, are forgiven from any misdeed on their part and for the havoc and devastation of "sin-consciousness" and struggle against or submission to inferiority it caused in us, their race of children, for millennia and generations. However, the greater parent of all Creation, the Spirit Himself took flesh and eclipsed mankind's sin by the revealing of mankind's innocence in Himself!

Earth parents and principalities no longer have authority in their voice. They no longer have that scepter that let them steer the lives of their children, manipulation by law, perfection as a carrot on a stick guiding us to crave blessings and fear curses, steering us with their words like ship-rudders steered the Titanic. Like the Titanic, likewise deemed "unsinkable" by the workers, their addressing of us as to one lower conditioned us to associate with a downward-reference, a reference whereby a sense of immaturity had been maintained in us. Belief in our need to become more than "I Am" blinded us from the realm in which everything that belongs to your Father is yours, we got engaged in pursuits to acquire things we desired as if they hadn't been ours freely from the start. Crediting self-works with what had only been afforded by God's Grace caused us to inhabit the fearful condition of survival and maintenance modes, but how could be cause to survive or maintain something that didn't originate as the result of our own hands all along? Suddenly, the contributions of our own hands are put into context and reduced to zero.

Earth parent's awaken to the folly of their having taken upon themselves that burden which had been taken care of for us by our Father, but by the time the need for their children to be steered by a tongue wired to a new heart, into a new and different upwards direction, the child's trajectory to the ice-berg has already been charted to inevitable failure. Having already believed the lie of being imperfect, immature, and incomplete and having accrued a lifetime of evidences consistent with having held that belief, failed attempts to add glory or be able to acquire and sustain good standings before the children of men has confused children into believing that dying to themselves and to their own dreams, hopes, and interests is the only way out because the misery of an unfulfilled heart is too great a burden to bear. Is there then no hope? In the realm of parents in the flesh, hope is all there is-- and thanks be to God, Jesus Christ is the substance of that hope.

No parent speaks against their child freely of their own accord but laboriously in response to whatever law was broken. They voice the broken law, and it is in fact only the voice of the law itself that addresses the child as such. By design, the parent's true voice is one of unconditional love and understanding. Gloves of velvet, fists of steel. A parent who is under law cannot rid from their voices of the tinge of anger, their mouths resound their hearts saturation with legalism's implications and intentions. The reduction of our children's belief down from blameless innocence, and into their feeling immature, incomplete, imperfect and "in trouble" was strategically employed by parents for generations, as behavioral programming spawned a universal generation without the sense of God's spirit in them. The punishment reward, blessing curse system used by parents for so many generations was endorsed by religion's widely propagated belief about God. When a parent approaches it's child and finds something there they were not hoping to find, the legalistic parent scolds the child, because the parent desires that it's child to remain faithful to their seed and employs a measure to make it so. Blind parents keep the blindfolds firmly in place upon the faces of their children; Calling no man or woman your "Parent" isn't attitude, it's grace and wisdom.

But *gasp* what happens if that child and it's parent were to find out that He were indeed someone ELSE'S child, the result of someone ELSE's seed and that it's ACTUAL Father... Hold your horses... is God Himself!? Would the parents then scold Jesus for calling God Himself His Father? lol, what do you suppose they would do? A parent so accustomed to desiring it's child to continuously reflect it's own image and likeness? How then could that same parent suddenly make peace with the fact their child now reflects an image that seems contrary to their seed? Raise someone else's kid? Spare the rod spoil the child suddenly don't sound so bad... Ha! but I digress...

Jesus proved that having the wrong image of your children voids both your parenthood and their childhood! They literally die as soon as they lose the sense your approval, and a legal obligation comes to life in them instead, taking over their corpses which are now empowered only by their continued desire to be what you (or the authority over you) expect of them, despite how impossible of a task this may be.

All parents began as innocent sons, in like-fashion, bewitched into slavery to expectations to express lifestyles foreign to their design. How can you blame them for showing signs of legalism having influenced their character and deceived them into embracing it as their source of life? In the world below, a boy becomes a father. A title doesn't hide your character but amplifies and expresses the content of your character on your behalf; Pope's and Pastor's being named spiritual "fathers" even though they lack the uh... appropriate reproductive mechanisms... to ever justify that claim? Harsh I know, but those dumb ashy ass bold-faced liars have been echoing religion's false claims from sea to shining sea for far too long! But I digress...

The child desires nothing more than to satisfy their parents expectations, so unless you want a weak, immature, incomplete, lost, confused, rebellious and sinful son? Don't use "the rod" of your tongue to batter him into submission to your erroneous images of him but exclusively employ God's Rod and tongue, from which the irresistible authority of truth is exercised over all His subjects, and His overmastering supremacy brings every cell under His authority into alignment with His will. #sonship -f

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