Saturday, April 29, 2017

Giving Up [The Christ Accomplished Work of Redeeming Your Soul]

Since the price of redeeming him is too costly, one should forever stop trying-- Psalm 49:8 HCSB

Mankind can never redeem himself or his brother. You can't forgive your own self or separate your own self from sin. Only the way God sees us, in the light of the eternal consequence of Jesus' finished act of redeeming mankind with His own life, removes sin from your knowledge of God and yourself. Our blindness is cured as He is revealed in Jesus as equally true of us and God, restoring to us our sense of equal-value. Humanity could never redeem themselves or one another because in order to rightly assess an individual's worth, one must first possess a properly calibrated scale. What is the accurate measure of a man? To define the standard by which a man is measured first requires an authentic blueprint intent of God's design of man. God's original intent is the gold-standard backing the value of the human being. One must be intimately acquainted with himself as revealed in the knowledge of God concerning the whole represented in the one man Christ before accuracy in sight and judgement is awakened in him. The standard of man, the one who before God stands as perfect and complete, the whole man or "holy one" is Jesus as the accurate reflection of man as one who is in total consistency with God's design, and in harmony with every intent of God.

is Himself God on display as man's spiritual purpose and intention. God established Himself and us in Christ because it takes the opinion of someone higher than humanity to overrule opinions accrued by men among themselves. He put an end to contradiction between a man's opinion of you and God's opinion of you by graciously revealing Himself as equally true of you from both vantage points, God and humanity. Jesus is the truth of both God and Man in one body.. Only His truth redeems us because to redeem oneself in any other way would be far too costly a price for any man to pay or consider himself the worthy recipient of. Only the Author of Human Life represents the value of the individual, and only His life can redeem us. Only by Jesus' definitive act on behalf of mankind does God Himself separate error from your view of Him, and to your view of yourself, and likewise separating error from the identities of everyone else all around you. By exercise of our own exhaustible human flesh-backed will, we would never truly know ourselves. We'd measure others against ourselves or ourselves against others if left to discover equal value among ourselves. We'd be wrong about ourselves [or any man] if we failed to recognize our God given definition in Christ. In Him, our name is set above and beyond the definition ascribed to mankind by his circumstances. Any definition of man according to what body or circumstance he now finds himself in is nullified and voided due to the redemptive act of Jesus Christ on his behalf. Any idea of man inconsistent with His own is rendered erroneous and fails to satisfy the standard of the measure of man gifted to all as a result of the crucifixion and resurrection of humanity accomplished on our behalf by Jesus Christ. He is the evidence of our redemption that's demanded by our hearts; our hope of glory.

Faith, God's own belief concerning us, is the evidence of things seen and unseen. There's no hope for religion to succeed in defining Him because man can only assess things according to it's own value. God assesses according to HIS own value and likewise recognizes HIS value in US, His Image, Offspring, and Heir. We inherited the value of His life, and His life's value likewise defines the value of every other in His sight as no flesh escaped the consequence of His Word becoming Flesh. The definition of mankind would no longer be based on the results of their own decisions; Jesus revealed mankind as the free-will decision of God. Man would no longer be defined by their own personal choices, which merely echoed the choices of those he'd been influenced by in the flesh on the Earth. Because no man could separate himself from the definition accrued by his flesh on the Earth, or from the body he inherited from his father in flesh, only His father in Spirit can redeem Him or reveal Him fully expressed in, totally set apart from and eternally exalted above the flesh He inhabits. Jesus is the Son of God. Only God's association of us with Him confirms our being God's chosen ones and beloved children.

So what of our soul's redemption? We cease from any labors already revealed as having been provided by God and therefore inherent to God; everything contained in God was made ours by the Grace of life in His Son. The graces of Jesus' sonship are now distributed to us in His name. Jesus is on our behalf and His life was made ours when He gave it. His faith that everything in Him be made ours as a Grace was true in us from the beginning. There is no currency or alternate method by which a man could regain within himself the sense dignity he'd been designed for by God, nor could the image of his brother be dignified or restored again in his sight outside of the revealing of all mankind as defined by Jesus, who came as the Last Adam, revealing humanity more completely than the First Man did because He is the Image of God from whom the First Man had been created! He is the foundation, the wisdom upon which we'd been built, and the structure built in ignorance of him was circumcised from our flesh when Jesus was crucified on behalf of all flesh at the cross and arose triumphant and victorious over death and over every and any contradiction that could ever seek to establish itself in the minds of men ever again.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Milk Man

8For all the tables are full of filthy vomit, without a single clean place. 9"To whom would He teach knowledge, And to whom would He interpret the message?Those just weaned from milk? Those just taken from the breast? 10"For He says, 'Order on order, order on order, Line on line, line on line, A little here, a little there."

I know He would teach me, a man separated from womb and bosom, taking me in and teaching me of His womb and of His bosom. Little by little, one by one, in waves of ever increasing detailed strokes of His tongue, He speaks from Himself while within us, bringing light to everything pertaining us, loving us, redeeming our image of the world by it's unveiling from the perspective of the One who created it!

Monday, April 24, 2017

A Reasonable Hope for Men

There is a God. He chose to reveal Himself to Jews and to us as a Righteous Jew who died on all our behalf, thereby tearing down the dividing wall between Gentile and Jew, Unrighteous and Righteous, Dead and Living, Rich and Poor, Man and God, etc. In fact, His embrace of all mankind in Himself and His unveiling of Himself as equally image and likeness of God as we are in Jesus universally blessed, favored, and advantaged mankind! The fact of the matter is, I am not a Jew. By my Gentile birth, uncircumcised body, and my failure to perform any of the duties commanded of man by Mosaic Law, either intrinsically by conscience nor routinely in obedience to the Law of Moses, my only hope for engaging God would have to be Grace. I'm not a physical member of the family to whom He promised His favored blessing, meaning by law, there wouldn't be glory to my name and I wouldn't have Him to my advantage in life. By law, I was excluded. I had no dealings with Him. In me, God's role was occupied by another roll... a Cinnamon Roll. A religious spirit attracting conglomerations of people who misplaced their appetites (for God and each other) over the present nearness of His Spirit's audible proclamations of His Son's finished work. The Belly was the God then and the furrowed brow of religious intoxication, His prophet.

There was no spiritual glory to my personal individual existence, none at all outside of being the same physical species as God's chosen people, I hadn't my own connection to God. I was in the world without hope, a mind full of myself without God, and without the whisper of a promise. But thank JESUS that God no longer represents Himself in Moses or by Mosaic Law but by the Eternal Priesthood of Melchizedek, The King of Righteousness! Because Jesus, King of Righteousness, died on behalf of all mankind, He defines us all as equally righteous before Him by His sacrifice for us, uncircumcised gentile believers and circumcised Jewish legalistic types alike together abandon their earthen definitions of humanity passed on to us by the dust eating fallen idea of a father, now noticing Yahweh as our parent and no longer deceiving ourselves into believing in man as our source. Our design relates us to Christ Jesus and not to Adam, the risen Lord and not to the fallen creature. I am definitively defined as the favored one whose life is endorsed and sponsored by the God of the Universe for the exhibition of His kindness and grace. Now I, though not a Jew, enjoy the benefits of every blessing God promised Abraham, received by Christ on my behalf, as by Him we were equally made Co-Heirs of the World.

There is only One God, One Creator, and He has One Law and that One Law was the One way to qualify for His blessings. The righteous standard of the law is beyond my reach from birth and I will never overcome this eternal truth, for I was born Gentile not Jew, am uncircumcised, and do not live by the Law of Moses but by the Faith of Abraham in a God who blesses us in response to His own promise to and not our own warranting of it by our human behavior. My human behavior no longer disqualifies me from a clean conscience, and my gentile lineage no longer disqualifies me from Sonship with the Eternal God! May we always remember that there is no chance for me or any other man, Jew or Gentile, cut or uncut, in or out of the service of ministry to ever... and I mean EVER successfully satisfy the law as the Law is a system of condemnation for the exposure of man's inability to qualify for the blessing of Sonship in God but how it must be given from above, as it's been by His incarnation in His Son.

So as far as the Law goes, whether the 10 commandments sound universal or not or whether the subtler laws make sense to your conscience or not, whether the law would judge you guilty or innocent you are no longer under it and being under the law, making IT your source of Life, is an insult to the God who invited man to eat from the Tree of His Life and receive as a gift anything that man could possibly qualify for or disqualify himself from by the works of the law. The Law of Moses exposes all law as the king of all law and it's fulfillment on our behalf by Christ fully frees all men everywhere for all manner of law, heavenly or earthen, as we all live by the One Law regulating the Life of God Himself... The Law of Perfect Liberty.

You are Perfectly Free.

The Law was never for you, and God will never be against you!

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Under Represented?

We seek representation congruent to the size and scale of the inflicted wrong, however, how certain are we that we've rightly assessed the value of the thing wrong had been inflicted upon, let alone rightly assessed the charges? A scratch on a vehicle should demand the same punishment regardless of who it is who did it because the law of "do not scratch others" applies equally to all, regardless of who or what vehicle it was, the violation of the law still distinguishes the guilty party a "vehicle scratcher." What if you demanded more payment from a rich person who scratched an exotic sports car than from a poor person who scratched an old beat up Prius? Would you be a righteous judge?

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Life Fruit

You can tell what kind of tree you're dealing with by identifying it's fruits. It's fruits are the most visible expression of each trees unique identity. Every fruit is different, though all descendant of seeds from their respective genus of trees, each fruit carries a unique name or signature, making each fruit meaningfully distinct. Fruits vary widely in color, shape, and flavor. Some, like dragon fruit, bare strikingly similarities to others, like kiwis, although visually opposite of one another! Yet I am sure there are many examples of fruit looking exactly like each-other while having wildly different flavors or material structures! The difference between two fruit of visible like-kind could be as great as the difference between life and death, as one fruit could be poisonous while another looking just like it could be healthy and life-giving! How then do you tell the difference between two virtually identical fruit which are indiscernible to the naked eye? Well, as knew from the beginning, the truth is that it's by understanding and identifying the TREE from which the fruits descended that any accurate deduction concerning the identity and defining characteristics of the fruits are made.

There were two trees in the Garden, and likewise today there are two perspectives of man from which ideas and judgements are deduced. One is a tree planted by many streams of water whose leaves never wither and who bears fruit continually in every season, never withered, never parched, and never failing in it's prosperous production of fruit. Another tree is in quite the opposite position and isn't located where streams of waters flow, where sunlight shines, fresh winds blow, or where soil is rich and fertile. Even the fruit of our lips point to there being a tree in us sourcing the words we believe and speak, and different manner of men experience differently the experience of life in the Garden.

Having a Father whose grace empowers our effortless production of fruit pleasing to the Fathers will and satisfying of His standard is the Tree of Life. From the position of this tree, Life itself circulates within and produces fruit effortlessly. The Son reflects every detail inherited by Him from The Father as effortlessly as The Father Himself is who He is. The Son's existence is sustained by and sourced within His Father; His every trait down to the most minuscule element of His design fully resemble and give accurate reflection to that Truth which defines His Father's Spirit. Like a tree can produce no other fruit than the seed of the tree from which it descended, the Father can produce no other offspring than that which is produced by the seed of His Spirit's original authentic thought of Himself. This Oneness between Spirit and Father is exhibited in His Son's definition matching exactly those things which His Father's Spirit defines His Father as.

The Son reveals the Father.

Because of separation from the idea of a God who is pleased with us and whose will our actions are consistent with, we experienced separation from the Spirit of Sonship and were instead inflicted by the Spirit of Fearful Expectation of Punishment. Our Father was recast as our judge by our conscience's affliction in response to our sin and sense of continual infraction of that which defines Him. By our Father being misconstrued as an example for us, we failed to notice Him as the example OF us He's always been as every tree only produces fruit in consistency with it's design!

God had no error in Himself when we were created of Him, but like Himself, we stood unconditionally separate from the laws ruling any created things [as Angels] and instead stood the grace of the natural, pre-existent, eternal offspring [as Gods in Christ]. Jesus' reveal of His Father's love for us in His love for His Father forever cast out the former veil of fear of judgement by which we'd previously been hindered from recognizing the Face of The Father or it's associated echo and mirror reflection in the Face of The Son, who we ourselves are. To this day, only fruits produced by those who have yet to receive the light of the message of God in Christ Jesus by which the One Father of the human race is eternally paternally identified by way of His love-act towards us. His giving of Himself for us identifies His Life as ours, identifying Himself as loving and gracious Father while identifying us in His Son as eternally beloved recipients of the gracious gift of eternal (resurrection) life!

So today, we effortlessly follow our Father's command that we follow the voice of the Good Shepherd... and that we do not follow the voice of the stranger or listen to the fruit of his lips. The foreign father has been dispelled! We are no longer Gentiles in the sight of a Jewish God, or Sinners in the sight of a Righteous God, but are Sons in the sight of the Father God! All of us, as humanity itself is, has always been, and will continue to be known [by Him] as the Fruit of His Lips. We are the incarnation of His spoken words, His every word concerning Himself mirrored in us, on display in our representative, Christ Jesus, who Himself confirms our present standing and the condition of our every treasure as safe in Him, Body, Mind, and Soul. He loved us with all His mind, all His strength, and with all His soul, fulfilling His own law in us as it's the presence of His Fatherly Love in us which confirms our sonship like a Signet ring. That Spirit [of His Love] is the confirmation of our Sonship, and far before comprehended or entered into the experience of by man, that Love for us remains eternally present as unchanging rock-solid truth by the continual effect of the eternal sacrifice God made for humanity in giving us His Son and unfettered by our rejection of Him, poured out the whole of His life, name, and Spirit as our own... abandoning Himself to us that we may live. THIS is our God and Father, the tree of whom we are branches and the producer of our fruit. By the fruit of your persuaded heart, the words which proceed from your lips confirm that you are indeed His own, and are dearly protected, unconditionally forgiven, blessed, favored, and loved.

It's YOU!

The Law and every stone-etched human governance system imaginable all share one glaring flaw: dependence on the belief of an assumed abs...