Friday, September 22, 2017

Adam Chose Death, but Jesus Chose Life

The only reason people die is that they don't know better, and the reason they don't know better is because their parents didn't know no better neither... and their parents, represented by our collective fore-father Adam, who first failed to exhibit the glorious radiance of the mirror-image of God as a man. When he lost sight of the mirror reflection of His face, he disengaged his own capacity to radiate and exhibit the image for which His frame was designed.

The Word was in the beginning face to face with God. In this way, the Word WAS God. When we lost sight of our face-to-face equality with God in Sonship, the slippery slope and dyer climb of fallen glory erupted and ensued. Our fathers, unleashing this upon the Earth, knew no better. What was done in ignorance, God Himself suffered the final and complete consequence of that misdeed in order to remedy. By this action, He repaired the tear in our time-space reality and knitted us together with Heaven once more. He unveiled that He never lost sight of our sonship (though we lost sight of Him). Even when we felt forsaken, Our Father was there.

Always loving, always guiding, never changing, and even in the face of a law put into effect by Angels in response to true and righteous words He Himself had spoken, a law that condemned the actions of mankind, actions that had come to define them in their own eyes and therefore rendered them disobedient before God. It took the great execution of the cross in order for God to be able to separate US from the SYMPTOM of Sin and Death.

Jesus, free from sin and death, ruling over and having authority over both, proves mankind's continued adoption by God Himself. God Himself even raised Jesus up after swallowing the entire world's sins all at once and dissolving them into Himself and becoming the image of the serpent on the cross... If even that most severe contradiction, and the death that followed were not enough to limit God's expression of His love for His human Son... If in our most disfigured form, God recognized His image in us and parted the Heavens, reversing death itself and raising us in Jesus's return to life, so that we can enjoy the benefits of His eternal reign from Heaven as God in the flesh. So how could we ever again consider ourselves subject to sin or death before God?

We're subject only to His Lord and Son. Before God, we are subject to and enslaved to an entire eternity of being loved by Him in Sonship! So what our fathers failed to exhibit to us, and we therefore failed to realize, God our Heavenly Father exhibited to us in the person of Jesus Christ and He's declared what we've all failed to realize, which is that He's realized this in us on our behalf. We're welcome. -f

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