Tuesday, August 29, 2017

7th Degree Faith Belt

What about systems contending for our need to "inspire" God to perform on our behalf by attracting some favor from Him through the worthiness or attractiveness of our own personal contributions?

Well, Cain's tithe got rejected, but Abel's spotless lamb got mad Godly props!

Reliance on having a "legal right" to be taken care of by God ignores that He doesn't care for us in a response to laws obliging Him to do so. His action is purely inspired by His own personal affection; there is no obligation in love. There's no law that has authority over God and if there were such a law, He Himself would have been the Author of it as He alone is God and His Word is what rules.

We must know that He cares for us not in response to our own "right" to be cared for by Him, but in expression of His personal drive to show favor and care to whoever He will! And He's shown us that favor and care by searching us out and choosing us to be His Sons.

Manipulative flesh, and it's religious systems of connecting with God, is coming from a place of mind that assumes God's action is only response to some requirement in Him to obey some law. How human! To defeat this mindset, Jesus demonstrated an obedience of faith that superseded what could be inspired by the law of works. What law said God had to forgive people for murdering His Son and calling Him a false-prophet? What prompted Him to save us is what He knew about us all along!

His response to what He knows is what initiates all of God's actions; He's self sufficient and counselled by no one. God's only law is Perfect Liberty, and His love for who we are has devoted His Perfect Liberty to the exclusive cause of perfectly liberating us from any system of law or tradition designed to blind us from our innocence and reduce us to a position where we believe we must "extract" blessings from a "God" who is actually less than perfectly free to do what He chooses, but can be solicited into action through powerful legal arguments!

"I gave you my 10%, now where's my blessing!" -Abel Killer

Faith works in response to the personal discovery of your inclusion in God's "I Am", faith awakens upon discovery of the greatness of our God, and hearing the message contained in His Word effectively unveils this discovery of God in the heart of mankind. Anything less than that is just a mass religious disguise designed to diss and control us guys!

You have been ushered in God's eternal rest and His limitless eternal power is power-fully working on your behalf enabling, preserving, and ever deepening the depths of your experience of your Father's satisfaction with you and the rest He's entered into concerning your eternal well-being, in His Son.

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