Tuesday, December 6, 2016

"I Am" Habitation

We ARE the eternal habitations of God; Our bodies, His temple of lifeless flesh molded by His own hand, into "whom" He breathes His Life, His Name, and His Spirit. He speaks, and the full content of His message resonates in our hearts. Upon the still waters of "I Am", His face reflects. We notice ourselves already reflecting His I Am, for He remains who He is even while disguised in disfigured form... Jesus alone proves this true of "I Am"... namely that He is established above all, where neither moth nor rust destroy. There, established above and beyond the confines of the world's names and influences: YOU are the reflection of Him! Even at the height of your rebellion, calloused and broken, under the weight of every sin the world is guilty of and whose guilt you inherited by association. God forgives the guilt of the world's sin, removes from you the opinions of men and re-establishes you blameless as His Son. In His Son, we find the name above all names, and it is the treasure of "I Am" as He is in Jesus being equally "I Am" in you, me, and everybody we know because "I Am" don't quit! Free the I Am. Realize Jesus' source in our "I Am" and see Him as your own reflection, as seen in the still waters of Heaven, free from every wind of change and the brash breath of human opinions. He silences them all in alone defining the I Am in you as Himself. You and the Father are One. Beyond the flesh carrying you, the greatest treasure and part of you similarly existent in both waking life and dream is... God's I Am in Jesus. -f #codebreak

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