Saturday, November 26, 2016

Graces over Laws

"I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness is attainable by the law, then Christ hath died in vain." -Galatians 2:21

Relying on Laws instead of the enablement given by completely depending on Grace would be a waste. Going about gaining a thing by following rules certain rules, crediting those rules, steps, or methods for your attainment of what's desired would ignore the fact that without the inspiration and will and the ability to see and believe oneself able to attain that which was pursued, every pursuit of the flesh would be in vain! Thinking that righteousness could come by following formulaic physical steps like other natural processes would indicate a lack of knowledge concerning God's passionate spontaneity of His expression and His making of us as the same. And, merely crediting steps for whatever man may attend by following the ways established by God is ignoring that God is the ultimate gift-giver and designer and that if He would allow you to take steps to procure it, then He'd of course freely give what you ask for as a gift. Rather than merely prescribe you with steps for it's attainment, He promises it to us to our hearts by revelation of the sufficiency of "I am" in you. If our ability to respond to certain steps for the attainment of things was enough, Jesus wouldn't have had to die in order to make us rich! True poverty is relying on wages rather than gifts.  In the gym, our enjoyment of pumping the iron and it's reminder of our reliance on God for growth is reason enough to engage, though the result we ask for we've already received of Him and manifests freely of it's own accord, even what we desire to do works together for good for those believing on Him.

In pursuit of wages, the Law is man's tool and fuels his attempts to attain things by right performance, attempting to bind God to performing certain actions on their behalf. Choosing to rely on the Law involves claiming on some level to be actively satisfying certain prescribed rules that qualify your expectation, and that thing about you ends up being the basis for claiming rights and privileges. In stark contrast, the one depending on grace see the personality of God the Giver as the one and only qualifying basis for their expectation.The legalist works to gain access to Him and to all of His blessings; The one reliant on Grace trusts God to have already fully provided access to His blessings as a gift, recognizing the perfection of the gift-giver necessitates His making a way for us to access His blessings consistently and reliably without the slightest hint of uncertainty. "Therefore, the promise comes by faith, so that it may rest on GRACE and may be guaranteed to all" (Rom. 4:16) Grace guarantees every good thing from God to everyone, consistently and unconditionally, as a consequence of His own personality as our Father and the perfect gift-giver irrespective of our own behavior, for we are in Him counted as alive from the dead and are His celebrated ones.

Even being a sincere legalist is pointless when in truth, no man's personal efforts satisfies God's Law as only Jesus Himself wears the name of God and inherits it's blessings by fulfilling the Law. We receive from our union with Him and not by our own personal merit, having been atoned for by and fully associated with Him, we are freely given the satisfaction of the law as a gift of grace to us only because of His love! Personal performance factors nowhere into this lavish demonstration of His favor. We receive the fruit of a harvest planted by someone before us, a family treasure passed down from father to heir. -f

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