Saturday, October 14, 2017

Minority Blaster

Seeing eye to eye with the one above us confirmed our freedom from minority status.

Whenever a minority boasts that they "had to work "twice as hard" as everyone else in order to get where they are? I'm amazed at their blatant admission of disbelief in their God given equality with others!

One class higher, one class lower. That some foolishly believe this doesn't endorse our believing the same!

While most do consider themselves above at least certain others, if God doesn't agree likewise, what difference would it make to you? Through Jesus, we already know God considers us equal to Himself. His Truth is already in you. What separates you from anyone standing against you is simply this, that you've freely received God's faith in our equal standing as being a blessing and a gift.

If they deny His faith and insist on minority status, they boast in their relatively hard work, but I honestly don't see anything to boast in. Cain worked harder than Abel. So what?

If someone is, in their own mind, a minority, things being a lot more difficult for them than it is for others comes along with that territory. Sap stories are of no effect. I mean, it isn't that the complaints about the "by the sweat of his brow" thing wasn't justified... The curse SUCKS and God ALWAYS hated it! It was never God's intent for man, but as Jesus demonstrated, our having been subjected to it's tyranny is NO reason to lose faith in our Savior.

Thank God that our world-given "minority" status has lost it's appeal. By our source in Him, every inhibiting effect inferiority-mindedness had upon our minds and bodies have been reversed. Whoever men called "ugly-duckling," "runt-of-the-litter," "minorities," or "inferior"? God Himself calls Lord and King.

Don't define yourself by national barriers that separate your flesh from others but by the national barrier that Jesus tore down between Jews and Gentiles that proclaims all mankind together as One New Man under God.

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