Monday, July 10, 2017

A Fresh Revealing

"but it is in order that the world may know that I love the Father, and that it is in obedience to the command which the Father gave me that I thus act. Rise, let us be going." 
John 14:31

"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."
2 Tim 1:7 

"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you [freely, as a gift]. I do not give to you as the world gives [reluctantly, as a sacrifice]. Do not let your hearts be troubled; do not be afraid." -John 14:27

His love does not indebt us to Him but is the revealing of how He willingly indebted Himself to us, freely enriching us as a gift!

He doesn't scratch our backs so we'd scratch His, but satisfying our wants is what satisfies His itch!

He is the satisfaction of our wants. What a relief that is to Him, mirrored in us! We co-sigh in relief.

Jesus wanted the world to know that He is the good shepherd (and not the hired man). In comparison to the slave-mother of the law and the free-mother of the child of promise, He is the child of promise. Jesus didn't come from human efforts. His physical conception required no contribution from the passion of a man and wife but was performed by the Word of God Himself, the true parent of mankind!, And just as the rock that was cut without human hands becomes a mountain that fills the whole Earth... what is true in the Rock is equally true of us.

JESUS: Consider the Rock from which you were cut, the quarry from which you were dug.
 (Isaiah 51:1)

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