You can't agree to work on something about yourself without first agreeing that you're in some kind of imperfect state or condition right now. That we're somehow imperfect, immature, or incomplete is easy for most to agree with because it at times has been the sense's testimony. However, we've been given, in the Son of God's death and rebirth on our behalf, a testimony that eclipses that of the senses. The Grace by which we were declared perfect by God promises us as never being in any need of any kind of improvement, neither from God nor from man! God assures us the completeness of our design in His own self by way of the Word's revelation of our Sonship.
Regardless of how it seems to the senses, you can't agree that anything in you needs any improvement until first disagreeing with the prestige of your new rank as the image bearer of the Perfect Father God. How are you still a son and image bearer of the Perfect God when you're facing an apparent contradiction to your perfection in the sense realm? What does the voice of some flaw in the flesh do against what God has promised? Can some sign of impurity, immaturity, incompleteness or immorality distance us from any benefit of friendship and sonship with God? We're afforded the privileges of our sonship as the result of His doing, and cannot lose it as the result of our own. It's only best that we not act in consistency with the thought of our being "less than" Gods, that we may know and encounter ourselves as Gods equals, which the desire of righteousness in us.
Well, The Perfect God became every bad thing we've ever been or will ever be when He became the likeness of Sin itself on the cross. You aren't separated from Him as a result of moments of apparent inconsistency with His design, no, we remain associated with Him and He remains associated with us and we confidently wait and rest in hope, expecting the same power that God used to raised Jesus from the dead with to likewise bring into obedience with the result of His finished work whatever it is that distracted us. Simply entering into your Joy and remembering that you're never in trouble, you never have to work or get serious and God always sanctions your joy at all times, even when others nearest you think you're bad or think you should be in trouble and even when you yourself think you're in trouble and should somehow sob or be weighed down, you still have reason to joy and you have Authority over you asking of you that which produces joy! And joy is produced in you as the result of what God knows to be true about you. Being blinded from
recognizing His perfection in us, we who are His own image and highest prize, causes us to stop seeing Him accurately, as the heart of the man is itself defined by whatever it's consumed by the most. Underestimating ourselves is underestimating God.
distracting circumstances cause us to interpret ourselves as being
someplace less-than or associated with something less-than the exact
specifications of our own will, we get
distracted from the existence of a Perfect God who created everything
according to the exact specifications of His will, approved of it all,
and then *justifiably* entered His rest!
So in spontaneous response to
His justified rest over you, a rest justified by an ACT taken on your
behalf that eclipsed the defining authority of every ACT taken by our
own, which was in OBEDIENCE to a Word believed by Him about us, a Word
that locates our being in Him from before time was, and His obedience to
the truth in us overcame the impact of generations of DISOBEDIENCE to
that same truth about us!
Legalistic mindsets are fundamentally hostile
to the idea of generously and freely giving or receiving; Their is a
system of extraction and coercion! Their only use of the knowledge of
the condition of poor people is as a means by which to take authority of
the money bag and usurp you of your confidence in the God whose
off-spring would be as sufficient as He is in the management of
resources and the determination of who indeed gets *how much* of what.
When it comes to people who rely on the authority of the law in order to exercise authority over us, whether parent or friend, their ability
to argue for their demands is the very thing they fight to defend! By pointing out "flaws" in people that exist only in the eye of the one whose satisfaction they are seeking, they reveal their reduced estimation of themselves in supposing satisfaction to be a thing given (or taken away) in response to our continued reflection of a particular image or likeness. The one whose image and likeness you truly are, already moves and acts in response to our continued reflection of His distinct image and likeness! The hope of the nations has been satisfied as in the moment of that great action, our "reflection" was nothing to boast in. In the moment of God's response to all humanity, mankind had been stripped of the likeness of the character of His image and likeness. To anyone's eyes but His own, His image in us was invisible! Sure we had a hot body (a body associated with something He still approves of by the genetic relation Israel had to the man Abraham, who while contained in flesh not unlike our own, was declared righteous by God.
Afterwards, Abraham was circumcised, as was all of his generations after him, which became the seal of Abraham's association with God's Approval and his friendship with Him, but this relationship God had with Abraham was true far before acted upon and signified with the seal of circumcision, as our love for our spouse was fully-formed before acted upon and signified with the seal of a marriage ring. God's love for us was fully-formed and acted upon in His heart prior to it having been fully-formed and acted upon and signified with the seal of the coming of His Son as Man to die on behalf of the human race! We had been righteous before that point, as the righteousness declared in the beginning remained the only grounds of righteousness for the human race and even Abraham had been accepted not by any doing of His own but in response to what God saw of His own doing in Abraham!
God's approval of humanity has been self-sustained, we could never interrupt it! However, in the coming of Jesus Christ, the act was performed by which the entire human race was circumcised at heart, and He proved who our Father truly is, and separated and erased from our mind's and bodies every trace of separation, closing the distance darkness created between us and the things needful for a perfect, whole, and complete life. ALREADY you are filled! Even while still under the regime of the law due to it's mind having been reduced to infancy in submission to authorities reliant on the law, we still carried the approval first given our ancestors Adam and Eve as far as being in His form and likeness! And our realization of even the law's submission to the greater authority of the Spirit of the Liberty of God Himself was our initiation into adulthood, the benefits and privileges of mature sonship, where we walk cognizant of Him as our only Father and His condition as the only truth regarding our reality.
Humanity was always attractive, body wise we never stopped radiating His image, but we had a sick mind. Fine booty, ugly face. We didn't know Jesus as our Head, we had as our head a ditz, all boobs and no brain, all body and no spirit, all glitz and no glamour! That slave-mother, manifested as the Temple that Jesus brought down, has been delivered of it's responsibilities, is no longer a slave or a mother but is a daughter and Jesus is the Father and the King. What qualifies Him is that we are our own, which empowered Him to do as He did in giving us His all, and empowers Him for all eternity in the continued administration to us of everything that is in Him, through His Spirit in us! His Spirit is living and active on this planet, and it never fails.
So as we rely on the Truth, God has provided, we walk in maturity far above those who would like to reduce your view one thing about themselves that THEY have
faith in! (It's their source, their husband, and they want you to kiss it. Yuck right? Accept them because you agree that God already accepted them, and only AS what God already accepted them as, and only FOR the reason God accepted them as that from the beginning! Their only right is to be acknowledged as co-heir of the Grace of Life and likewise sustained by, provided for, covered, and defined by the perfect condition of Jesus Christ in Heaven! There isn't more than this, but they think what they ask for is more than this because it is superficial and they counted themselves more superficially worthy of our favor and approval and passion than "actually" worthy, aka, they know how much work it takes them to be as sexy as they are being, or appear as smart as they are.
Because they [workers of the law] know how much work it took them to get to the top, when they witness your effortless rise, they shit themselves fearing they will lose everything they worked so hard for, and not even to someone else who stands for the same thing, in which case they'd suck their john-sons, but to someone who stands for the complete opposite, and stands for something that will expose what THEY stood for as being embarrassingly bad the whole time because one He rocks the bed, it squeaks, you know what I mean? When Jesus preaches, the seed is planted... but when Pharisees try to sow seed, they reek of their need, because we aren't already perfect in their sight they only approve about us what they could add to us and what we could demonstrate before them as having been contributed to us by THEM! What an inferior system. Not even a breath-mint can cancel that halitosis. So we believe in the Truth about who we are in God, God confirms this truth over and over with signs following, they watch us rise and they wonder, and then they bark like dogs sensing the True Master's kind-approval turning their own heads a different direction, and they're pulled away from what had once defined their own souls... away from faithfulness to the
faithful workers of the law and towards the faith of God.
Law approaches
you as needing help, so look out and keep on guard when circumstances seem overwhelming and you feel as though you need help. Your help comes from God, and is already included in you and factored into His declaration of your perfection and completeness and maturity, so don't feel susceptible to being labled or classified as inferior or as needing something that your works and will-power sustained efforts will be neccessary in order to enter satisfaction concerning the accomplishment of. Do not ignore eternity. If it will ever be yours, it already is now. Rest in what is yours and enjoy having lost your desire for what is not yours. Better than desiring what is not yours is the simple realization that as a result of who your Father is, who you now are is one who possess all things. After all, the person God Himself gave Himself to you. You are Gods. Your measure of what you do and don't do is determined your own affection and the satisfaction of your good-pleasure, one predicated upon the already complete pleasure we've received namely as the result of who we ourselves are. His name alone is keeping and sustaining our joy; physical sprinkles and cherries don't add to His sunday, but whatever is added, as long as it's consistent with the value of the foundation, not only sticks but radiates, glows, smells good, and damn near steals the show if you let it.!
Shame on the world's false authorities, holding on, afraid to let go of the sense of authority they gained from your depending on them for so long and your considering yourselves relatively immature next to them for so long. They miss that elation and the sense of elevation and general aboved-ness that came as a result of their subjection of you, or their exploitation rather of your subjection to the "real" legal authority in your life through him the dominance of the law mind was kept in place to begin with, which is what made you and me susceptible to their subjection of us anyways, as they used the same keys our parents, teachers, pastors, officers, and judges used in order to "commandeer" our vessel for any need they see fit, any time and for any cause as they always assume that what they're doing and what they would do if they controlled you is better and would be better than what you would do in control of yourself. Better for who? Not you, better for "business", better for the law and better for THEM!
Their only objective is keeping hidden from our eyes the logical
foundation upon which the Truth of your innocence rests. They want you to try something you don't have any business doing, simply because you didn't want to do it spontaneously yourself, and they pressure you into doing it to prove something to them or to yourself and when you fail to do it well, because it wasn't what you had in your heart to do anyways, they tell you to sit down, say you suck at that, and unless you know your ability to DO perfectly only comes from the blessing God puts on you for doing what you desire to do, freely and not out of compulsion or striving to acquire something already yours?
You'd know you flunked the dance-seminar because you were coming at it from a system far higher than theirs, and they reduced you to their system, clipped your wings, humiliated you into lowering yourself as being beneath them, and then offered themselves for your worship and idolatry so that you could vicariously experience but a measure of the glory and wholeness and personal satisfaction that you already HAD and HAVE in your own name, but since you put their name above yours, you can only receive it through the approval of their name, and you carry their name as a brand, and if that name was taken away from you because as always, you want something other than what is ordered by them for you to do, you start to think you don't deserve the "approval of their name" and the benefits that come along with it, and you start to think you're doing it just for those benefits, and that there's something wrong with that, and they want you think you're taking and taking and that you're using them when in reality... they know they are but what are you?
We go here boldly and rush in like a storm against these squatters because we know Jesus successfully accomplished the salvation of all mankind, yourself
and ex legalist slave-master pharoahs included, all by the Lamb of God! Everything in Him was sacrificed over to
you, as a gift! Reversing sacrificial systems with His love inspired
obedience, and dismantling systems of acquiring the rights to blessings
by willing us giving us everything that's His, all contained in the
vessel into which we've been placed, Jesus' Sonship. So based on His
standing in God's eyes as His own mirror reflection, we justifiably
enter into rest concerning how perfect, complete without lack you
yourselves are in this moment, and us together with you in Him. #thatisfy
This is a place to shower in the perfection of the glorious accomplishment of God that we ourselves are. Unearned, unwarranted, unmerited by our own contributions, only 100% pure GIFT language. God's Goodness is a Gift. He isn't only "Good" to "the Good" but He is equally "Good" to all!
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It's YOU!
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