Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Rest Promotion

Living through Jesus Christ restored the sense of our oneness. Satisfying the desire of every man's heart, God succeeded in restoring each of us to innocence in His sight and re-establishing us in paradise together on the throne with Christ. God restored each of us to the perfect state mankind lost even before any of us were even born! In Christ, we're now able to share His opinion of us apart from our own performance by way of our association with Jesus as our high-priest and eternal representative before God. We see in Jesus what's true of ourselves beyond what our own senses have revealed. We're witnessing in Him undisputed evidence of there being every reason to believe in God's adoption of humanity as His own and entering the rest of God's care concerning Him. No longer seen as a species defined by failing to satisfy the demands of the law of God, we're today defined by having been forgiven for failing to satisfy these demands and having been brought back from death to life. We're the ones for whom Jesus died. Here in our own human physical lives on earth, we live in Heaven under the law of Perfect Liberty. We're now living in blameless innocence before God in Heaven, even while living here on the Earth.

God's belief concerning is a shield and breastplate, which protects us from any man's inferior opinion of us. He even protects us from our own opinions of each other and ourselves, maintaining His own opinion in us as true even when our owns deviate, His word remains true of us. Even when our actions contradict His law, His word still remains true of us. He blesses us and gifts us and wow's us with His capacity to do good and show mercy to His children in response to His endless love for His Son in us.

Wherever He places us, whoever He positions us beside, these specific bodies we occupy, our names, our passions, our roles, our functions and most importantly, our self-image are all deliberately designed by His gracious hand and are totally sufficient. The  self-awareness He offers us of ourselves is totally sufficient and there is nothing further to know of ourselves outside of what's already been revealed to us by Him.

God displays His integrity in the complete revelation of Himself in the person of Jesus Christ. By the being designated as God's own "image and likeness", the image and likeness He used expressed was His very own! The image of Yahweh, the Father of Lights Himself, now totally manifest in human form, plain to the eye of man. We can no longer be deceived concerning who Yahweh is, for the Father has revealed Himself through His Son. Jesus is who Yahweh is, and His life definitive work was His sacrifice on our behalf and co-resurrection of us together with Him. We now occupy the same state of Heavenly oneness! We now know all there is to know about God, namely that God is light and in Him is no darkness. There's no hidden side to God, no mystery, nothing veiled or kept from our knowledge. We know Him totally because in His occupancy of the body of humanity, all of humanity is together revealed as One with Him!

Unlike servants, the Children of God know Him beyond outside appearances. Unlike a slave, a child of God remains in His household forever. Even the disobedient child of God is in advance forgiven, and rather than punished, is wooed into correction concerning his own goodness by being shown lavish displays of unearned favor by God's own goodness, this being the reference for our own goodness. He restores our soul. And being His children, having Him as our foundation and Origin, Himself inhabiting us express as His Son, we know Him even as we ourselves are known by Him, which is completely. We know that nothing of Him is kept from mankind's knowledge, and not only that, but that He also promotes knowledge and desires we be filled with the complete knowledge of His glory, which is His opinion of us. Always remember that the One whose image we reflect is the Most High; there is no higher place towards which to attain. God has already taken us as high as we can Go. You are as High as He is! You, radiant son of God, are Yahweh's physical expression of Himself as His Beloved Son, designed to receive and encounter His great capacity to love, giving visible evidence to His kindness and goodness as He exalts us to Himself in the eyes of men.

Being in the Spirit, we hunger only for association with the approval God gives to the Spirit of the inner person. By His acceptance and unconditional favoritism towards every person He gave life to, died for, and was resurrected on behalf of, what we have is unconditional beyond time or space.

In the material realm, the one abiding in the awareness of the Spirit's favoritism towards humanity's shared invisible I Am-ness with God sees the same cause for favor in others as he sees in himself. Favor is given and shown in such a one even in lack of any degree of favorable set-apartness by pre-molded, societally regarded, natural physical associations existing in the minds of men. Like Jesus, friend of sinners, He saw in others foremost that which He'd first known and recognized true about Himself in them, His mindfulness of them freeing them from every illusion of lack or inferiority. He doesn't testify to anything in addition to what He can see of the Father in them, not counting anything else as even being there. Not in denial of any unflattering condition, but in obedience to the power of truth against any such condition's right to define, to express, or to remain in that person's idea of themselves any longer.

Separating faith from works and flesh from Spirit, our hearts real propensity is only towards resting in the sufficiency of the accomplishment that we ourselves are, and towards enjoying the company of one in whom that rest is likewise promoted and enjoyed. -f

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The Best Stuff on Earth

How many people could say that they've actually been to Heaven and back? Sure, there's been a few, and the things they share are often riveting! But without first having attained the true knowledge of Heaven from the Author of Heaven itself, tell me how often people have likely been led astray and swept into one anothers imaginations about God rather than experiencing direct encounters with God? As an avid dreamer, I'm especially intrigued by our capacity to experience, touch, hear, taste, and feel beyond this physical body of ours. I have no doubt in the existence of realms beyond our senses. Simply having a body compatible with the place we're in seems key- a heavenly body for heaven, an earthly body for earth, etc. The beauty of it to me is this: Jesus Christ, with an earthly body has crossed into Heaven from Earth. He occupied the Throne of God above Heaven, making way for every other member of mankind to inhabit the same position through our association with Him. Jesus is Himself The Way to Heaven; and is what we find when we arrive there.

Our being in Him has brought us into Heaven, which we encounter on Earth through Faith as what is true in Heaven is what's brought forth by God on the Earth through His promises. These promises, originating in His Spirit, enter our hearts by His word. Being planted and rooted there, it grows, fully fleshes out on Earth as it is in Heaven in the mind of God. What we plant of Him in our hearts grows and materializes in the Earth, our hearts having authority over the physical realm through the Word of His Spirit. Awesome stuff! But even this description falls short of what someone whose literally been to Heaven, seen stuff beyond human intellect (and understood them), seeing and knowing God Himself face to face would consider, "The BEST Stuff on Earth!" Something better than even the coolest principles of Heavenly economics, spiritual manifestations, heavens and heavenly angels, etc etc etc? What could it be? Simply this: The Gospel. Which is? The news that by one man's death on behalf of all, and the resurrection of that same man and His ascension to the throne of God, you and I have become recipients of The Spirit of God.

By His Grace, through no contribution of our own, we were qualified to be called the Children of God, and now His Spirit of Sonship occupies our hearts bringing truth to our every claim of being children of God. The Spirit brings to pass all of the evidences of your being in Christ, blessing us with the blessings of Abraham, freeing us to discover that we are united to the Lord through this Spirit of Sonship, inheriting His father by inheriting the Spirit of His Son. He fills our hearts with love. He identifies us by name. We now register in Heaven and on Earth as Jesus... as righteous as He, blameless as He, beloved by God as He, and set as highly as He far above any name in Heaven or on the Earth. So you'd expect awesome descriptions of pearly gates, descriptions of how things look and various things about what goes beyond the capacity of the eye to see, but all any spirit-filled person whose been face to face with God has ever been compelled to share upon returning to the Earthen has been: Christ crucified and His subsequent glory, that is, the Message of the Grace of God. It's the best stuff on Earth! -f  #grace #heaven #visions #word

The Blueprint Life

Every architectural design descends from a document in which it's every detail is compiled and expressed from thought. The architect trusts the blueprint, being in the employ of the same designer, and follows it's exact detail precisely to a tee. When the plan has been fully executed; when the idea originating in the Designer's mind that was personally translated into writing by pen-strokes has been given complete tangible expression, the designer's creation is complete. The blueprint is then rolled up and set aside, while the Structure built from it remains the exclusive expression of the designer's original intent, the blueprint itself being only an intermediary destined to perish after use. Despite the care and attention poured into the blueprint by the Designer, and despite the tremendous sentimental value it held to everyone in the designer's employ, the importance of it's preservation expires at the time of it's execution, and the knowledge of it being accurately understood becomes less important than actually inhabiting this newly constructed domicile of delight.

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them. For I tell you truly, until heaven and earth pass away, not a single jot, not a stroke of a pen, will disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished." -Designer Jesus

We too, being created according to a specific pattern and design, both inwardly and outwardly, were likewise built from a blueprint. The blueprint we were built from is the incarnate image of Jesus Himself, and He Himself is the fulfillment not only of The Designer's mirror reflection, but also of the Old Testament Law, Prophets, and Psalms, revealing them as one and the same! The entire OT Law is revealed as being the written blueprint of the Designer's image, incarnate in Christ. Having totally executed every detail of the law and fulfilled every word of prophecy, the purpose of that written blueprint was finally accomplished. When He expired on the cross, yelling out, "It is Finished!" He declared the accomplishment of that which He'd set out to do, which was to carefully execute each and every detail of His blueprint design. "You must build this Tabernacle and its furnishings exactly according to the pattern I will show you."-Ex. 25:9 Which is why it was written of His death, " abolishing in His flesh the law of commandments and decrees." Eph. 2:15

Our incarnations represent our successful translation from the Designer's thought into the tangible physical expressions we inhabit here today. Or, more accurately, Jesus' incarnation represented our successful translation from the Father's thought into the tangible physical expressions of Him we live, breathe, move, and have our beings in today. We, together with Jesus can say, "SACRIFICE AND OFFERING YOU HAVE NOT DESIRED, BUT A BODY YOU HAVE PREPARED FOR ME." and elsewhere, "For you formed my inmost being. You knit me together in my mother's womb." In Him, our Designer ensured that every detail He saw of us in Himself would be expressed in us. Any deviation of our behavior or experience from the details described in the blueprint of the Law and Prophets was removed from us in His dying our deaths. Through grace, we're given the gift of complete inward fulfillment of the law by having been forgiven by Him who died on our behalf. We ourselves are the perfect expressions of the blueprint design of God by having become recipients of His grace in whom His glory is displayed! Being His recipients, image-bearers and expressive of His life as light itself, confirms the blueprint He designed us from was by His inspired response to a mirror. We exist to actively receive the transmission of His image, and reflecting back to Him the same. -f #face2face #blueprint #grace

Sunday, November 27, 2016

A Whole Family

A family without a father depends on each other, a family with a father depends on the father. How a fatherless family holds together is by satisfying the demands of life by distributing the weight among themselves, lightening the load for one another and measuring any weight they place on one another, lest any member of the house breaks down and the unit shrinks, which causes more weight to be put on every individual member, the increased stress further burdening each member and multiplying the likeliness of another breakdown. But what happens to that original member that broke down? That is where the story branches out into the complex tapestry you're seeing here in me today.

When the reason for the breakdown of a member of the fatherless family has nothing to do with a lack of material strength or physical capacity in them, the inner cause for their brokenness isn't immediately recognizable to the eyes of other members. In fact, such a one is often interpreted as lazy or uninspired by other members, their lack of contribution condemned by words which when associated with the broken member of the family, would further implicate them not just for failing to carry their fair-share of the weight, but also for so petty a reason! Indeed, the pettiest feather upon the weightiest burden does surprisingly break the back of the camel. But is it that really so much of a surprise?

Understandably, the capacity to understand so subtle a thing would likely escape a person still under the duress of remaining under the now multiplied weight of the world upon their shoulders. However, the brokenness of the materially stronger member goes beyond personal flaw and stems directly from their decreased capacity to sustain weight due to having been caught in the energy-depleting, life-draining magnetic field of the world's weightiest-presence of religious obligation. This sense of "religious obligation" is the gasoline on the fire of the dual-lit candle-stick that causes even the strong to break down. So it's much easier to blame the culprit that can be seen rather than the invisible cause behind it, but being ignorant about the condition of the root likewise leads to ignorantly mislabeling the tree according to it's fruit and letting the root-eating religious virus of Sin itself go uncondemned!
But where man failed their fellow men, God succeeded: "For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God did, sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh." (Romans 8:3)

Having condemned the root destroying religious poison of Sin itself, God assumes His rightful position as Father of the human family. God separates Sin from the person whose image has been marred and disfigured by all of it's symptoms, separating the leprosy from the leper and absolving the sin-stricken man of both. Succeeding where others fail, never taking the tone of "the other brother" against "the prodigal son", the legit Father of every human family on Earth continues speaking the same belief concerning His sin-slain son, having separated that sin from His son by His own perfect complete knowledge of His Son. In the Father's heart, the prodigal son had always been himself. The restoration therefore was of the son's image of himself, his transgression marred religiously ascribed fallen self-image now totally restored to the Father's original opinion.

Not a single member of the family could do without this Grace of our Heavenly Father. Every member of a fatherless family fails because Sin limits everyone's capacity to give and makes every body subject to an expiration date! Therefore, by becoming the Father of the Fatherless, Jesus enforces the truth of the Father's opinion in us over and above any contradictions in the world. In the family with the present father, He remains the exclusive Father (from Heaven's point of view) and the weight of the world is taken even off of the shoulders of the father of the household by that father's dependence on his Heavenly Father for the grace to believe beyond circumstances and meet the needs of his wife and children.

By breaking inwardly while still alive and strong outwardly, there may be especially harsh condemnations from certain members who cannot see beyond the surface of things you have more of than them, things they think disqualify you from the claim of "brokenness". Because they fail to see the cause of your brokenness, they're no help to your reconciliation with the Father's opinion of you and could only restore you having first been restored in themselves to the opinion of the Heavenly Father. Such a family, having been freed from having been subject to the bonds of the label of a "fatherless household" now experience enjoyment of the benefits known by the families with fathers in them all along! Except having been shown the grace known only by the humble, God as their Father unlocks life above and beyond the past achievements of descended flesh, having been revealed as descending from Christ alone.

Long story short, with The Father in the house, the family is locked tightly together by their mutual dependence on the same eternal reference as their source. This indeed is a true family, a body of many members sharing the same man as their source and their reference. #ekklesia #eternalfamily -f

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Graces over Laws

"I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness is attainable by the law, then Christ hath died in vain." -Galatians 2:21

Relying on Laws instead of the enablement given by completely depending on Grace would be a waste. Going about gaining a thing by following rules certain rules, crediting those rules, steps, or methods for your attainment of what's desired would ignore the fact that without the inspiration and will and the ability to see and believe oneself able to attain that which was pursued, every pursuit of the flesh would be in vain! Thinking that righteousness could come by following formulaic physical steps like other natural processes would indicate a lack of knowledge concerning God's passionate spontaneity of His expression and His making of us as the same. And, merely crediting steps for whatever man may attend by following the ways established by God is ignoring that God is the ultimate gift-giver and designer and that if He would allow you to take steps to procure it, then He'd of course freely give what you ask for as a gift. Rather than merely prescribe you with steps for it's attainment, He promises it to us to our hearts by revelation of the sufficiency of "I am" in you. If our ability to respond to certain steps for the attainment of things was enough, Jesus wouldn't have had to die in order to make us rich! True poverty is relying on wages rather than gifts.  In the gym, our enjoyment of pumping the iron and it's reminder of our reliance on God for growth is reason enough to engage, though the result we ask for we've already received of Him and manifests freely of it's own accord, even what we desire to do works together for good for those believing on Him.

In pursuit of wages, the Law is man's tool and fuels his attempts to attain things by right performance, attempting to bind God to performing certain actions on their behalf. Choosing to rely on the Law involves claiming on some level to be actively satisfying certain prescribed rules that qualify your expectation, and that thing about you ends up being the basis for claiming rights and privileges. In stark contrast, the one depending on grace see the personality of God the Giver as the one and only qualifying basis for their expectation.The legalist works to gain access to Him and to all of His blessings; The one reliant on Grace trusts God to have already fully provided access to His blessings as a gift, recognizing the perfection of the gift-giver necessitates His making a way for us to access His blessings consistently and reliably without the slightest hint of uncertainty. "Therefore, the promise comes by faith, so that it may rest on GRACE and may be guaranteed to all" (Rom. 4:16) Grace guarantees every good thing from God to everyone, consistently and unconditionally, as a consequence of His own personality as our Father and the perfect gift-giver irrespective of our own behavior, for we are in Him counted as alive from the dead and are His celebrated ones.

Even being a sincere legalist is pointless when in truth, no man's personal efforts satisfies God's Law as only Jesus Himself wears the name of God and inherits it's blessings by fulfilling the Law. We receive from our union with Him and not by our own personal merit, having been atoned for by and fully associated with Him, we are freely given the satisfaction of the law as a gift of grace to us only because of His love! Personal performance factors nowhere into this lavish demonstration of His favor. We receive the fruit of a harvest planted by someone before us, a family treasure passed down from father to heir. -f

[Untitled] No More

Your title declares in front of the world that you are "entitled" to be wearing it! By it, you've been elected as lawful representative of the ruling authority's idea of a thing. That idea made word was likewise made flesh in your carrying the idea's name. To the ruling author-ity,  You represent the authority that first titled you as such, and are annointed in the representation of the master's attitudes and beliefs according to whatever it is he named you. -f

The Death Advance

Dying and going to heaven made possible for the living? Our own personal deaths as individuals is not the requirement of our entry into Heaven. Jesus death on our behalf fulfilled any death-requirement for the entry of a human person to Heaven. Now, Heaven is God's free gift to the living... not religion's consolation prize for the prisoners of it's punishment and reward system. Lifting our eyes to the Heavens, by the simple knowledge of Jesus Christ, we realize ourselves already seated there in Him.

Many don't realize this but God doesn't change His mind. In His mind, you are already in Heaven with Him. His mind about us doesn't change about people when they die, it's people's ideas about themselves that inevitably change! Dying to whatever opinions were attached to their bodies, even their own opinion of themselves fades away. Instead of being completely defined by the judgements assigned to that body over the course of life on earth, the death of the earth-born self takes away every distraction from our Heaven-born self, which is God's exclusive opinion of who we are. The capacity of our own bodies to define ourselves and one another having been eradicated by the One who died for all, the human body being dead, it can no longer define us. The resurrection of that same human body in which we died assigns our physical earthen vessels as vehicles for our Heaven-born selves. We now live on Earth as who we are in Heaven, in physical bodies of perishable earthen clay as who we are in the imperishable eternal body of Christ Jesus our lord! This greater reality is the authentic mold, and our mind's being molded according to it, we now exist as we presently are in the mind of God.

The collective body of mankind died through Jesus' death, so our individual bodies of flesh and natural lives no longer define or control us. In God's mind, any definition of the flesh is cancelled because we've been separated from the collective body of flesh and united to His body in the Spirit. How we're separated from the body of flesh is through defining power of Jesus' name. Christ as our Origin, and Christ's Origin in God proves us as alive in Him prior to our incarnation in flesh. Our natural birth was illustrated by Jesus as having been preceded by our existence in the mind of our Author. The offspring of the flesh is the offspring of God because the offspring of God is the flesh.

He doesn't consider mankind alive on the Earth, and then change His mind when a human person dies, deciding to now believe they are in Heaven rather than on the Earth. In truth, God ALWAYS considers man as being in Heaven... but when men's mind's are bound by their association with their physical flesh and all of the deeds definitive of it's life, they disqualify themselves from the perfection making Heaven what it is! This is why Paul the Apostle exclaims, "Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death?" (Romans 7:24)

Being bound to the definition of flesh, ANY definition of flesh, whether prestigious or the lowest of the low, equally binds men to an Earthly definition and blinds the person from their Spiritual definition. Your Spiritual definition is what His Spirit reveals as true about you in light of what Jesus accomplished for you; it is the revelation of how God restored our complete access to Heaven. Whether counted as good according to the life you lived on the Earth or as bad , what the life on Earth defined as being "you" doesn't enter Heaven. The only things that enter Heaven are things that originated in Heaven. Any definition of you originating from the Earth remains on the Earth; what's from dust returns to dust, but who's from the Spirit returns to the Spirit! Who you experienced yourself as a human-being on the Earth ORIGINATED not in the womb of a natural parent but in God- in Heaven and like rain falling to water Earth, you came to realize the fulfillment of our destiny to awaken the seeds of the earth and cause new life to blossom and fill the Earth with beauty and fragrance, and having seen the fulfillment of this destiny in Christ, to return to Heaven from whence you came.

Like my wife asked me once, "If the whole point is dying and going to Heaven, why did Jesus come HERE on Earth to die? Why didn't He just keep us in Heaven if the reason He came here was to take us back there? Why die for no reason? It's pointless." It made me realize she was right. Religion has blinded people for so long. Jesus' death on every person's behalf was valid! God confirmed the validity of His death's application to the lives of the entire human race in by raising Him from the dead! His resurrection evidenced our co-crucifixion as valid which rendered us as having ALREADY DIED in God's mind, and as living today only through the image of you that was conceived in Him before the beginning of the natural life He brought to an end. This indeed has been the only truth about you all along, you as you always existed in the mind of God. That man's earth-life and all the deeds of his earth-self is already dead and buried, forever forgotten in the mind of God means that we are associated exclusively with Him and the heavenly deeds of His Son's earth-life instead. The greatest blessing of which is the inheritance of the Father as our own. The same Father as Jesus, now my own, and in exactly the same manner as towards Jesus, as though I'd never sinned. A joy to my Father, the perfect son to Him, seeing Him proud with me through His every breath given and devoted exclusively to me. Jesus' death and resurrection is what it took to bring me into this relationship with Our Father, and He turned the dark sufferings of my earth-life as a backdrop to the unveiling of His wonderful light, but the morning star is fully dawned in us. We are home free. God is my parent, my only parent; Heaven is my home, my only home; Jesus is my definition, my only definition. And the life I live in this earth-body is in only in His name by grace! -f

Surrogates Disconnection Scene

Included in His death, we were equally included in His resurrection. Whatever reference man once had of himself outside of Christ is no longer relevant. We can no longer compare ourselves by one another because everyone died in His death! In His death on behalf of all, every one died simultaneously. Imagine that! His flesh died, so every man's flesh died, and everything contrary to God in man was separated from Him in His resurrection by The Spirit! Man is an incarnate Spirit being in union with Jesus. -f

The Word of God

God's Word provides mankind the opportunity to encounter His thought. His thought of Himself is where we originated from. His Word makes it possible to entertain His thought in our mind. Because His Word is incarnated as human, we have compatible devices. Because of our union with the Word made flesh, we can understand the context of His thought because what's true of Him is equally true of us. The logic of His dying on behalf of all humanity is for the purpose of declaring each man equally dead, and qualifying every man equally by His grace alone through the gift of an immortal resurrected life that can never be condemned. For all eternity, we're known together with Jesus as God's formerly dead children who He received back from the dead and now celebrates eternally! -f

The Son's Source

Just realized the word "source" not only the describes where we originate from, but also the place where we obtain what we need. This word expresses the source of our supply and the source of our being-ness as one and the same. Originating from The One who is before us, the word "source" designates Him as our origin and our supply-source in one. That Jesus unveiled the Father of mankind as the source of mankind's supply is evident in His message. That mankind had become reliant on something or someone other than the authentic Father and source led to confusion regarding it's origin. Mankind did not originate in those things in which they'd become dependent, having been defined by neither the works of the flesh nor the flesh itself but by The Father. "The world" that's depended on by any who are in it and define themselves by it couldn't possibly be a viable source for mankind because it is not our Source. Going anywhere but to the Source in search of the supply you're looking for could only spell disappointment. The death of Jesus on our behalf reconciled us to God the Father, the faithfulness of His resurrection making it possible for us to rely on The Spirit exclusively once more. His resurrection revealed Him as Jesus' Source and as our own! As the originator, the innovator, the inSpiration, the motivating desire and drive of our genesis, He is the substance of whatever is true about us and whatever is said about you has substance only if He says the same! What He says about you is therefore your nourishment and sustenance, because our bodies and mind's likewise originate from His logic... His logic is our source. His incarnate logic is the sustenance of our incarnate flesh, and the logic of His incarnation is the deliverance of mankind from sin, our severance from dependence upon any but Him, Himself alone being revealed our Source, He takes care of our needs and is Himself the author of our every desire and the perfect fulfiller of them. He made us to be occupied exclusively with Himself, as He occupies Himself exclusively with you and me. By our mutual occupation with Him, we are occupied with each other in the eternal body of His love. His words about us are those things which are true of Himself, Himself being our source, the only source of what He gives is Himself. Every good thing about the source proceeds from the source to edify, nurture, and sustain us. He first loved us before anyone, and His resonance with our union with Christ gives our love for each other it's truth. -f

Friday, November 25, 2016

Spirit of One

Only being one with the Spirit of God enables the Son of God access to everything that is true of God. Everything true of God being equally true of His Son is spiritual, because God is Spirit. Flesh begets flesh, but Spirit begets Spirit; The Son of God is begotten only by the Spirit! His Spirit redefines the flesh as the incarnate word of God. Why then Jesus? What then is the vitality of His name? Simply that He is the incarnation of the word of God, and that mankind is God's image and likeness. He therefore is the definition of who mankind is. By discovering God in Christ, His Spirit awakens in us. By the presence of His Spirit, everything that is true of God is effortlessly maintained as true in you. You are therefore freed from any definition originating from your own actions by having been redefined as originating only from His actions, at the cross. Our life originated in His resurrection from the death He died on behalf of all. Because of the validity and finality of His death, whatever life had defined us in the flesh died with Him. Therefore, our "new" birth and the birth by which the lives we've received for all eternity was given was the "birth" of Jesus from death. Jesus, born from the dead, introduces everlasting life. -f

Judged by None

We can only communicate the compassion that we've first acknowledged our own need for and the grace we've personally received in our own similar points of weakness. If someone's guilty of something we've never seen as forgivable, something we ourselves never once received any forgiveness for, how would it be possible for us to forgive them? The forgiveness we've received is the forgiveness we share; If you've never been forgiven, you can never forgive. -f

Thursday, November 17, 2016

For The One

Wherever we are today and whatever we're doing with whoever we're with, our Justification in Christ remains. His celebration of us is what we enter into agreement with when we likewise to decide to celebrate! Jesus is the innovator of our thanksgiving, being thankful for each person He received from His Father as a gift.. -f

Exploring the Gift of Hope

The destiny of hope is always the attainment of whatever we're hoping for, and what to hope for is accurately known by the believer of the promise. The certainty of the believer's hope is to the same degree as the faithfulness of the promise [and the one who made it].

God's Hope manifested, and we experience here and now what's ours beyond the sense-ruled domain. His fulfilled hope brought us into the formerly-veiled Grace realms of the Love of God in us, which are the limitless eternal realms of things that are unattainable to us by our own merit according to laws, but are given freely to us as gifts. -f

It's YOU!

The Law and every stone-etched human governance system imaginable all share one glaring flaw: dependence on the belief of an assumed abs...