God's belief concerning is a shield and breastplate, which protects us from any man's inferior opinion of us. He even protects us from our own opinions of each other and ourselves, maintaining His own opinion in us as true even when our owns deviate, His word remains true of us. Even when our actions contradict His law, His word still remains true of us. He blesses us and gifts us and wow's us with His capacity to do good and show mercy to His children in response to His endless love for His Son in us.
Wherever He places us, whoever He positions us beside, these specific bodies we occupy, our names, our passions, our roles, our functions and most importantly, our self-image are all deliberately designed by His gracious hand and are totally sufficient. The self-awareness He offers us of ourselves is totally sufficient and there is nothing further to know of ourselves outside of what's already been revealed to us by Him.
God displays His integrity in the complete revelation of Himself in the person of Jesus Christ. By the being designated as God's own "image and likeness", the image and likeness He used expressed was His very own! The image of Yahweh, the Father of Lights Himself, now totally manifest in human form, plain to the eye of man. We can no longer be deceived concerning who Yahweh is, for the Father has revealed Himself through His Son. Jesus is who Yahweh is, and His life definitive work was His sacrifice on our behalf and co-resurrection of us together with Him. We now occupy the same state of Heavenly oneness! We now know all there is to know about God, namely that God is light and in Him is no darkness. There's no hidden side to God, no mystery, nothing veiled or kept from our knowledge. We know Him totally because in His occupancy of the body of humanity, all of humanity is together revealed as One with Him!
Unlike servants, the Children of God know Him beyond outside appearances. Unlike a slave, a child of God remains in His household forever. Even the disobedient child of God is in advance forgiven, and rather than punished, is wooed into correction concerning his own goodness by being shown lavish displays of unearned favor by God's own goodness, this being the reference for our own goodness. He restores our soul. And being His children, having Him as our foundation and Origin, Himself inhabiting us express as His Son, we know Him even as we ourselves are known by Him, which is completely. We know that nothing of Him is kept from mankind's knowledge, and not only that, but that He also promotes knowledge and desires we be filled with the complete knowledge of His glory, which is His opinion of us. Always remember that the One whose image we reflect is the Most High; there is no higher place towards which to attain. God has already taken us as high as we can Go. You are as High as He is! You, radiant son of God, are Yahweh's physical expression of Himself as His Beloved Son, designed to receive and encounter His great capacity to love, giving visible evidence to His kindness and goodness as He exalts us to Himself in the eyes of men.
Being in the Spirit, we hunger only for association with the approval God gives to the Spirit of the inner person. By His acceptance and unconditional favoritism towards every person He gave life to, died for, and was resurrected on behalf of, what we have is unconditional beyond time or space.
In the material realm, the one abiding in the awareness of the Spirit's favoritism towards humanity's shared invisible I Am-ness with God sees the same cause for favor in others as he sees in himself. Favor is given and shown in such a one even in lack of any degree of favorable set-apartness by pre-molded, societally regarded, natural physical associations existing in the minds of men. Like Jesus, friend of sinners, He saw in others foremost that which He'd first known and recognized true about Himself in them, His mindfulness of them freeing them from every illusion of lack or inferiority. He doesn't testify to anything in addition to what He can see of the Father in them, not counting anything else as even being there. Not in denial of any unflattering condition, but in obedience to the power of truth against any such condition's right to define, to express, or to remain in that person's idea of themselves any longer.
Separating faith from works and flesh from Spirit, our hearts real
propensity is only towards resting in the sufficiency of the
accomplishment that we ourselves are, and towards enjoying the company
of one in whom that rest is likewise promoted and enjoyed. -f
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