Saturday, November 4, 2017

It's YOU!

The Law and every stone-etched human governance system imaginable all share one glaring flaw: dependence on the belief of an assumed absence of sufficiency in ourselves!

That belief is the root of the fallen-mindset and the driver of all it's corruptions. Indeed, the temptation to believe the snake's lies about the absence of God's sufficiency are as subtle as they come. It's YOU, the One God made in His own image, who the accuser of God launches his accusations against!

When our consciences are afflicted by contradictions to our purity and wholeness in God's sight, by what authority are those accusations launched? We know it's certainly not by the authority of his own righteousness, the snake has none, so it's the perfection of THE LAW itself that people find themselves condemned by.

There's usually an incarnate person in their life representing acceptance by that law, some model who after having been measured up against, the snake seeks to make men aware of their "otherness" with, enslaving them to a sense of strangeness, subjection, inferiority anytime the one with the appearance of being in possession of that thing you lack appears. For Jews it's Moses, for Gentiles it's whoever happens to be holding the stick.

Due to their failure to satisfy the requirements laid down by the righteousness of THE LAW, they no longer feel as though their claim to righteous innocence completeness or perfection are anymore backed by the Spirit of Truth. Even their own positive affirmations appear lifeless, empty, and dull... as these words are only as powerful as the measure of truth contained with them, and by our inclusion in that truth.

The good news in all this is that the SAME law that humans were condemned by TODAY testifies of their release from condemnation! Our failure to satisfy the law confirmed our guilt, and our response to the law's confirmation of our inclusion in the Messiah's sacrifice on behalf of all of the guilt of mankind, together worked to establish us in the presence of God. The one who's presence we once fled from due to the sin exposed by the light of the law, we now run towards with specific intent of being shown, by his light, how it is that we are still holy, righteous, innocent, without sin, flaw, shortcoming or fail.

Having to produce something out from within ourselves so that we may cleave to IT and be dependent on "it" lacks loves luster and suggests the presence of an insecurity in man towards the absolute sufficiency of God's design, which functions not in response to reading commands and instructions, but functions only in response ONLY to the law's fulfillment in Him by the work of Jesus-- His Spirit of Grace and Liberty ignites the Dance of Effortlessly Flawless Divine Spontaneity!

Laws and rules are diapers for prepubescent adults kidnapped into infancy by having accepted the old bait of counting another as being more highly endowed, privileged, favored, and blessed by God than yours truly. Having not originated from lustful striving but from love and contentment, we don't come from the agitation of unfulfilled longing, but from the peace of total rest in His peace and satisfaction with us. You wise Gods, Moses is for kids! -F

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The Inno-Sent One

It's because of God's presence that we all experience how innocent we are; If you're feeling guilty, it is not as a result of your awareness of Jesus' presence, but on the contrary, guilt is the result of pretending He's not here.

Light is only for the purpose of revealing how perfect, mature, complete, and without flaw we are.

It has nothing to do with comparisons, it has no reference for fault-finding or assigning blame but like fire, it burns up the dross to reveal the gold.

The sun shines light to separate the night from the day.

Light is like the truth, it ignites our understanding of the unknown-- it makes of darkness a faithful-servant, like a bride's veil or a man with a gun keeping all the runners in their places until it's time for them to get on the mark, get set, and go.

Light doesn't degrade, but reveals all your distinctions and separates falsehood from the truth. It isn't a bull-shit meter, it's an interpreter of the truth.

Beyond doubt, when you discover that it's TRUE that you are indeed perfect, mature, complete, innocent and without flaw... your former-pursuits of these things in life is replaced with the restful energy of total satisfaction, a pure energy that always succeeds in accomplishing far more than even the most motivated have-not's.

Motivation for our pursuits for will no longer be financed by fiat currencies; What valuable thing does a man have to give in exchange for God's Gift in us?

We all know this but darkness, under the guise of "protecting" us from exposure to the light, fears being "exposed" by the light and sells us that same fear. The darkness industry sells anybody ignorant of their ignorance in God's sight DISGUISES to wear. Wearing those disguises does nothing to change the truth of a man, but it certainly wears out that man's conscience because how he is seen affects how he sees.

Out of darkness' own deep-seeded fear of exposure, it finds fault with light and counsels us against going to it. When people feel ashamed of themselves, darkness lures people into conceding to it's "covering" Promising to accept you in spite of your supposed flaws, which were the very flaws we only began to recognize in ourselves as a result of having been distracted from the relationship we once had with the Light in the beginning. Before darkness introduced faults to our awareness of ourselves, we considered bathing in Light a luxury. Now, because something we're in the dark about concerning ourselves becomes something we misconstrue as a "flaw" in our "selves," we've been engaging ourselves as though we were "falling short" of the perfection demanded by our own conscience! We pay darkness guilt-money to keep us from our own awareness of ourselves.

Religion IS the darkness, and Jesus is The Spirit who reveals how perfect, mature, complete, and without flaw you are.

Darkness, assisted by attractive models perceived by our senses, sells us who we are as someone you've yet to become.

Darkness, assisted by fabricated misrepresentations of Christ, sells you that you're not good enough in God's eyes because of sin. However, Jesus Himself died on behalf of sin so that we'd know that we are indeed good enough in His eyes!

Darkness uses the ways our behaviors fall out of line with WWJD to seduce us into thinking it would be somehow dishonest or phony for us to continue to consider ourselves good enough for God. Faith knows that everybody is obviously already good enough to be whatever it was that God says we are through Jesus.

Jesus getting resurrected by God after humans murdered Him PROVES that religion is wrong, demonizing things God made is demented, and that it's NEVER PHONY to consider ourselves good enough for God!

He came back to life for us instead of leaving us swimming in our guilt. He is with us forever because we ARE good enough for God! Not because our behavior always justifies our right to justify our right to be Gods, but because HIS OWN PERFECT BEHAVIOR in redeeming our right to be called His own by giving His own life for us. God is Love. #darknessflees

Sunday, October 29, 2017

To Judge a Snake

Going to anyone except God for anything only affords occasions to fail to afford or qualify for what it is that you desire. Having to satisfy a standard set by the one we consider to be the source of that thing we need makes of satisfying that one TOO HUGE a deal. When the satisfaction of that one, whose satisfaction our livelihoods depend on, appears to demand too much and sustain ourselves feels to be more than it be worth, our own estimation of ourselves diminish and our ability to prove our value to ourselves suffers namely because the work required was too great for us. It looked like we failed at finding ourselves worth enough to make the sacrifices necessary for our happiness, but we'd been cajoled into believing our happiness would require our sacrifice! Jesus raised from the grave was God's receipt of that thing we desire to attain thinking it would depend on our own personal sacrifice.

What if someone steals something from some rich person and then offers to sell it to you at a price you agree to pay and you find that having paid that price, you were not given ownership of the stolen item but a share in the guilt of it's original thief, whose "work" we paid for the right to share in the benefits of.

That our own satisfaction would be delayed until that one presenting themselves as possessing in themselves that thing we desire determines us worthy PROVES our having been deceived from our present share of total and complete inclusion in EVERY blessing in GOD! Jesus alone has the right to include others in the benefits of His name, and only His Father determines who he will connect with and allow to be included in sonship with Him and inherit His share of ownership. 

Only The Son of God can give access to God legally apart from our works, and if someone were to make you work for it, they exploit you because anybody who has any relationship whatsoever with The Law knows that the purpose of the law is to make all men see the extent of their own wickedness and that by it, righteous standing, health, wealth, and all of the pleasures of life are but LEASED to people, their right to these things DEPENDENT upon their continued ALLEGIANCE to THE TERMS of the agreement. You do your part, and in turn, you get to enjoy the blessings! That slave relationship was innovated by Satan's deception of eve, the first one cajoled into laboring for the right to experience blessings God already freely included her in from the beginning!

However, today it's as if the religious world defends the ownership rights of theives! I've heard many pastors say that Satan got power over the Earth "fair and square" because Adam "gave it to him". What a crock of Baloney! Adam was not deceived when he took the fruit from eve, because the Serpent wasn't clever enough to trick a man made in God's image, however, because of God's love manifest in Adam, he willing emptied himself of that which Eve had been stripped of by taking the Serpent's bait, and he entered into death with her so that she would not be alone. He made his bed in hell, out of hope that she would continue to remain in Tzadok and in love with him, even if not for his better but for his worse until the day comes when The One who Loved ADAM with the same love with which he loved Eve likewise entered Adam's condition and redeemed him in just the same way Adam entered Eve's condition in an attempt to save her from the "not good" of being alone.

In God's coming, in Jesus, to where Adam was, right here on Earth from Heaven, everything in God likewise came to dwell where Adam (and Eve) then laid. When the exalted one came to the Earth, He exalted the Earth by having taken claim of it, unveiling Heaven right here on Earth by His presence among us and through His dismantling and public exposure of the illegitimacy of any THIEF'S claims to anything he possess. All the goods and property he acquired by deception still belong to their ORIGINAL owner! "The Earth is The Lord's and the fullness there-of."

Indeed, it appeared to be by deception that Jacob snared Esau's blessing, but as Issac told Esau, what can man do against a blessing ratified by God? If God allowed Issac to be blessed over his brother Esau, what difference did it make if Issac personally sought to gain the blessing by his own cunning? God was the one who gave Jacob the desire for the blessing and who permitted him to receive it! That Jacob later felt confused as to whether it was his mothers doing, the prank, his own participation in it or self-righteousness stances towards Esau that justified his having taken the blessing instead of him, so it wasn't until he WRESTLED with God Himself and received his blessing DIRECT from HIM, in the form of a brand new name, that the dilemma that defined Jacob's life came to a close and the life of Israel Began.

Satan's deception of Eve and Eve's subsequent spiritual confusion as to whether she has the right to stomp out the servant given that she willing consented to the Serpent's deception... blind to what God Himself always saw and knew which is that THE SERPENT and NOT EVE was responsible for SIN! God crucified THE SERPENT and judged him, but here we all remain! Like the flood's effect on those who were alive in the Ark, the waters of judgement have subsided and what needed to be judged WAS judged and only the innocence in us remains. Why? Because the one who set the trap for the sheep and distracted them away from the Good Shepherd has been held accountable and we have been redeemed, our innocence assured and our deliverance from alienation is complete. -f
#citizen #eden #judgethesnake #strongmanbound

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Perfect From The Start

To abandon fanciful ignorance and take even the slightest action from a place of accepting, approving of, and relying on what is indeed TRUE in the present moment honors God. A movement that's in honor of the adequacy of the truth memorializes God's enduring goodness in this, His eternal present moment! Life's response to THIS manner of action is favor; His favor accomplishes far more towards the end of assuring our next season's gains and harvests, than even the most elaborate, well-planned, well-funded, will-backed effort to attack, sever, and escape what "bad" we'd encountered and accepted as being a part of our God-Given circumstances on planet Earth!
Often, things in time presently appear to "fall short" of the Glory of God on Earth. God is Spirit, and often something physically present on Earth appears to be standing at odds with what has been declared as true by God. In ever such circumstance, the Truth of what is True remains unhindered and God Truth remains. Even in the absence of visual confirmation, and even in moments where He seems to call things that aren't as though they were, there is no argument against His acting according to what is true in Heaven.
It's typical for things on Earth to employ our senses to communicate to us a sense of there still somehow being the lingering presence of some wrong. ANY belief in the lingering presence wrong, even in the slightest, would totally nullify our own belief in the integrity of God's rest. How could He be resting like everything is okay if not EVERYTHING is okay?
You now see, it is His rest that justifies our own;
And it is only His rest the world ever argues against the righteous integrity of!
Many a time, it is His rest taking expression in me as my OWN rest that has come under fire and been pressed against and tested most in this world. People in lack of justifications for resting because of their attachment of so many good things with the idea of "work" in hopes of somehow tricking themselves into now-finding work attractive (or at least holding the delusion of it's attractiveness for long enough to get through the shift as one who's in peace). You can smother that fruit with as much nut-butter as you want, but you aren't going to change your dog's aversion towards apple but merely train him to value the peanut-butter THAT MUCH MORE as now, it's evident that it manages to even make this... this... FRUIT *yuck* actually taste.... edible. Wow! Rub some sugar on it and whoo-hoo! It's Jambalaya!
So whatever false sense of wrong still still lingers in the moment, has, like a headless chicken already breathed it's last. The source of life that had been sustaining it's presence in your life has already been cut off. As surely as Jesus Christ of Nazareth died and was risen, the source of life of every "headless chicken" has been cut off. For us to attempt to kill or remove it, or for us to contribute any further effort towards the end of limiting it's effect or nullifying the effect of it's presence would be to claim COMPLETE DENIAL towards the sufficiency of God's own WORK through Christ Jesus and is actually to be seduced towards agreeing with the one who argues against the integrity of God's right to rest upon His Throne. Jesus' finished work is what justifies God's right to rest, rule, and reign.
So considering how thoroughly God defeated every shred of darkness, negativity, flaw or inferiority in your circumstance, it would be senseless for us to treat it and approach it as if it is not already perfect, regardless of what messages our senses may receive, our hearts respond to the messages our Faith broadcasts and receives. Our embrace by God who is the Truth has ignited an echo in our Spirit's that has nullified the appeal that judgemental falsehoods and putrid 1-star reviews once held.
Messages concerning our own sufficiency now occupy our mind, alive in us even in the midst of apparent contradiction, just as we once remained unsettled even in the midst of apparent good. Spiritually, we've been separated from the thoughts about the moment we once held.We have no further use for ways to discount, degrade, and discredit the perfection of things in order to justify our use of them or classify them as being in our price-range. By your own conciousness of the Truth, we're fee from all that distracts from God's assurance of our complete perfection in this present moment (Paul even wrote this from Jail!) The bad we consider ourselves to be associated with (via the circumstance) in the moment is nullified and disproportionally eclipsed in every way by the Good that's inherent in God!
So as we do what we do and profit every day, my advice is that we remember this: Every detail of any successful redemptive effort would need to be measured perfectly in advance, and undertaken perfectly from A to Z. #perfectfromthestart

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

A Wild Thought About Hope

Just had a wild thought. I remembered in Genesis when God said, "but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die." Our Ancestors BOTH ate from that tree. Even being in denial of ones own ancestral relation to Adam and Eve does nothing to change the clear historical record of the death of all of the descendants of men on Earth, so we've all come from a history of DEAD ancestors.

Can a dead seed ever produce life?

If a dead race were to have any hope of one day becoming alive, there'd be no other hope than the hope of someday somehow being resurrected! Our only hope in life is to triumph over death; any genuine good news would have to at least first BEGIN with resurrection, because having all inherited life on Earth through human ancestors who die, true and all-consuming joy would require that we, at the very least, live out of reach of ever being defined by any of our ancestor's failures.

If we were assured that we were indeed set apart from any generations past, and that not any of the lives of the ones who came before us serve to speak of our fate, then we'd truly live in hope knowing that not even an entire genealogical record of dead-ancestors can defeat God's own personal faith in the eternal life that Jesus' death crushing work of salvation today affords us!

Our confidence in God's own defiance against our death is what living a truly empowered life-style demands and supplies!

So there's plenty of "good news" in the discovery of our having been "reborn" through our inclusion in the Life of Jesus, who was resurrected from death by the power of God. He was resurrected in revelation of God's OFFICIAL decree concerning EVERY dead human! All Death Obliterated.

His resurrection announced our personal inclusion in the exact same Life that the dead body of Jesus inherited from His Father, was revived by, and was returned to God's Throne in heaven as a result of.

Indeed, Jesus' death was God's personal entry into the same dead-condition we OURSELVES occupied, and in Life's Source entering that dead condition we occupied from birth, His resurrection from that death likewise resurrected US, freeing us from death and fate, revealing OUR inclusion as the SAME Life He lived together with The Father from The Beginning!

Good news, but of course, nothing new as it turns out someone already said this in 785 BC, a Hebrew man named "Hoshea" (Hebrew for "Salvation") wrote, "He will revive us after two days, and on the third day He will raise us up so we can live in His presence."

A wild thought indeed!

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Minority Blaster

Seeing eye to eye with the one above us confirmed our freedom from minority status.

Whenever a minority boasts that they "had to work "twice as hard" as everyone else in order to get where they are? I'm amazed at their blatant admission of disbelief in their God given equality with others!

One class higher, one class lower. That some foolishly believe this doesn't endorse our believing the same!

While most do consider themselves above at least certain others, if God doesn't agree likewise, what difference would it make to you? Through Jesus, we already know God considers us equal to Himself. His Truth is already in you. What separates you from anyone standing against you is simply this, that you've freely received God's faith in our equal standing as being a blessing and a gift.

If they deny His faith and insist on minority status, they boast in their relatively hard work, but I honestly don't see anything to boast in. Cain worked harder than Abel. So what?

If someone is, in their own mind, a minority, things being a lot more difficult for them than it is for others comes along with that territory. Sap stories are of no effect. I mean, it isn't that the complaints about the "by the sweat of his brow" thing wasn't justified... The curse SUCKS and God ALWAYS hated it! It was never God's intent for man, but as Jesus demonstrated, our having been subjected to it's tyranny is NO reason to lose faith in our Savior.

Thank God that our world-given "minority" status has lost it's appeal. By our source in Him, every inhibiting effect inferiority-mindedness had upon our minds and bodies have been reversed. Whoever men called "ugly-duckling," "runt-of-the-litter," "minorities," or "inferior"? God Himself calls Lord and King.

Don't define yourself by national barriers that separate your flesh from others but by the national barrier that Jesus tore down between Jews and Gentiles that proclaims all mankind together as One New Man under God.

The Fall of Babylonian Baloney

God left no condition unsatisfied, so the drive to satisfy conditions can no longer be used to fuel mankind. If there's anything remaining "unkosher" for humanity, it's not in the realm of physical food or even our appearances or behavior, but what's to be avoided is a distorting man-made additive in the realm of the thought! That is the true leaven we need avoid, the true Gluten that Jesus proclaims Freedom from.

We are Gods. That is Final, as it's been from the Beginning. The only thing to be shunned and avoided, are things God's do not depend upon. What's to be shunned now is that very same thing that was once to be cleaved to and relied upon! It's not a sacrifice, it's the relief of what Apostle Paul described as "Cow-Dung" from having to be lugged around in our person ever again! 
Like an actor just moments after his show's final performance, it doesn't take any time at all to realize the old character he was is now obsolete. For all intents and purposes, in anywhere else except the context of the film itself, the relation between the man and the character is dead. Sure, it can be resurrected in a future role if the actor were to consent, but until that time, it's dead, and again only lives for the duration of the play. Thankfully God's life is both totally resolved, and never-ending.

Like with a Bird, the shell it was formed in was meant to be cracked. The mold ultimately accomplishes the function it served, and it's broken. The that was once lived in the mold comes to an end when the mold is broken, and the life in it is invited to enter new life, to never again to return to any such thing as that shell ever again, to be removed completely from the shell-life, not only being freed from the physical shell, but from every and any metaphysical definition of the functions shells shells serve! God said the bird was meant to be free from the shell, including EVERY definition of "Shell"! Because the shell was bad? No! But because the Life no longer requires it! 

Many go from the perfect womb God made for them, into some other womb of their own inventions in hopes of continuing to satisfy the function the womb (or the bird shell) once served. That's where cages came from! Metaphysically, on the highest level, every kind of cage came from this misguided pursuit to reconstruct wombs and shells and to somehow continue to satisfy the function they once served. He said "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the Earth!" but we said, "No, let's stay together like those Jackasses from that island in that Disney Movie Moana." They approach US as if it were somehow wrong that we were separated from those constructs! If God ever meant for mankind to be P****es, He wouldn't have allowed our Exodus from it's vicarious luxurious! By this very nostalgic comfort, we'd been kidnapped into infancy! 

Theologically and metaphysically, our race was seduced into an endless game of replicating the past, honoring fabricated traditions, dying like Fallen Adam's via every pillar definitive of mankind. We've been reduced to the results of our OUR efforts and the fruit of their OUR own harvests. A being of a race created to rule and reign along with the Most High! Reduced to dependence upon man-made systems of baloney and Babylonian bull-cocky! Why? Because God Most High not only removed the life from the shell, but He removed His Son from the Grave, and our heads still be spinning like whoa Nelly. 

Nelly... does anyone use her name as an expression anymore? How does that song from Nelly go again anyways... You know... the one that made her famous? I dunno. Well anyways, that's why we've got Youtube!

It's YOU!

The Law and every stone-etched human governance system imaginable all share one glaring flaw: dependence on the belief of an assumed abs...