In an earlier discussion with
Michele, it was made clear to me that when a person acquires new title, rank, or office in the context of human relationships, whatever associations and judgements we held concerning that title of rank or office get pinned onto the new holder of that title. For instance, if you've always hated nannies, then whoever contends for and acquires a position reminiscent of "nanny" in life, whether it be an overly cautious or protective accountant, lawyer, spouse, or manager in life, likewise inherits the "heat" built on that "title". They say the man makes the title, the title doesn't make the man. In truth, there's a relationship between the title and the man that can never be separated or broken.
In truth, the man and the title are one just as the Word and God are One; and when a new man takes the title once held by another, the life of the old title ends and a new line begins. A key word is "new man" because often times, one son of man is simply replaced by another son of the same kind, and the cycle continues as each man still calls "father" the same manner of man, a man after the flesh. Having a father in the flesh is what's causing them to see "father" in a human way, which is a lie that distorts from the truth. In truth, call no man your father for you have one Father who is in Heaven. What happens then therefore when a man calls another man "father" instead of reserving that title for the one who alone is Father and God? Then both the chairs (or titles) of fatherhood (parenthood) and God (divinity, authority, standard-bearer of perfection) are twisted and distorted. So God has done what the law couldn't do and evicted
every being, real or imagined, that has ever occupied
any position of authority, control, principality, or power over you in
any way (real or imagined) in life. By establishing Himself as the ultimate authority in all things by His ratified, incarnated, eternal word, He's cast out every former ruler and has cleansed the "heavenly things" with His blood.
The blood of
Jesus cleaned Heaven just as it cleaned Earth in it's elimination of those titles of the distortions left behind by the inferior-minded beings which had occupied them prior. He casted the false powers down to the Earth, down from their heavenly places and now He occupies all things with that which is consistent with His will! Christ
Jesus is His Will and He alone now defines every authority in Heaven and on Earth as there is no Authority apart from the Truth that He is. In His revelation as Truth and Life, we now know the face of the Author of all things and we've learned His name. This
Jesus, revealing the only Father and God of all mankind everywhere, has cleansed the heavenly places in each of our hearts to now see Him alone as the ultimate executor and administrator of divine authority. No one else of any other will or disposition towards you has any power at all over you neither on the Earth, nor in the Heavens. The only one with power over you is the One who is your Head, the one who occupies headship is now no longer the one born from people and ideas we've elevated and idolized in hopes of filling the void of life with no God.
The one who occupies headship is the one who died for you and now lives for you eternally; He is the one who cleansed our conscience and lives forever upon the throne of our Innocence in heavenly places. The executor and administrator of Divine Grace is the Son of God who brings us into the full bounty of what belongs to the Father, while maintaining us as son's and freeing us from the burden of being father or source. He Himself is our source, our only source, and we all are mutually sustained by Him! Christ
Jesus Himself, God's image and likeness, sustained by the Father and existing in relationship and dependence on Him mirrors each of us. We all together likewise are sustained by God the Father and mirror Christ
Jesus in just the same way that Christ
Jesus mirrors the Father who Himself defines and sustains Him. The Christ who is all in all and fills all things everywhere now occupies every high place. Every other creation seeking exaltation is humbled and the humble are exalted as their humility demonstrates and gives occasion to the effectual power of dependence on sustenance by the Grace of God.
So whatever we believed about the person who occupied the high position before Christ did ended up getting "pinned" on Christ by us (though He was never guilty of being the one who formerly sat upon that chair but Himself called out that one as the Father of Lies whilst recommending Himself to us as the Good Shepherd!) So our scapegoat judgement of
Jesus, the judgement we had against ourselves and one another in the flesh for what came of occupying a high office or chair, just as warned by Samuel, man's elevation of men caused them to be preoccupied with themselves and one another, comparing themselves by one another and priding themselves by their association with "one another" that they totally lost sight of the righteousness they all had in the Spirit and became fixated on what separated them from the ones ruling over and controlling them, and that thing was mere flesh. Nothing but mere flesh separated the taxi driver from the president of the united states, and so that "mere" flesh became an overwhelming distraction by having been ascribed such authority so as to name one a president and another... a taxi driver!?
We as people, diverse as we are, hold some things in higher and greater esteem than certain other things depending of varying changeable factors, such as season or mood. That is why God never willed that we have a ruler over us who is in the flesh, someone in the flesh whose approval of us our own approval of ourselves would depend on, or whose definition of us our own definition of ourselves would depend on, or whose conviction towards us would be what our conviction towards
ourselves would depend on. By God's will, not even our own parents on Earth were ever intended to take that role over us. God Himself had always been our King and we (together with all creation) had been designed specifically to be sustained by God Himself as our Parent and King. Whenever we believe anything less about Parent or King than we believe about
Jesus Christ as God, we empower and re-empower defeated, inferior, and powerless foes. God made an announcement. He publically nailed a document on the wall of humanity, built by stone upon stone of patriarchs chosen by Him for this very purpose, and He nailed a document on that wall that declared Himself King. He declared us dead to and freed from all that ruled over us before. He defined us in the Spirit, removing the veil of the flesh, flesh no longer representing separation from God but the incarnation of Spirit Word as Flesh! He now fills every office because He is the Spirit and we, along with every created thing, find our source and beingness in the Spirit! He is the King.
Though He is the only King, because He is Spirit, we aren't distracted by kings on the
Earth. As one with Him, we ARE kings on the Earth! That we acknowledge our lordship from Him separates us from inferior mindsets and ensures our exhibit of God's intent being done in and through all that we say and do! Every pro relies on Him for that distinction, but not every pro's distinction relies on Him. If you're a pro and your distinction relies on something changeable, something of the flesh, the words or thoughts and opinions or people, friends, enemies, loved ones, rulers, authorities, etc... then you express inferiority in your relationship with God, meaning that you promote people to either feel inferior to you or cause them to see you as inferior to them because at least they don't "claim" to be something special and important but you do! And yet, they don't see in you any evidence to support how special and important you are? What rubbish! It must be that they cannot fail to see and recognize themselves in You, which is indeed your desired intent. Not being able to see past themselves in you, they reject and disqualify you to the same degree that they reject and disqualify themselves! That certainly gives the nail pierced hands and feet of the Christ new meaning and context!
So Christ not only came and dethroned whoever formerly occupied and defined the titles of Master, Teacher, Ruler, Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, God, Spirit, and Invisible... but He also dethroned the former holder of the title of: YOU! Dying to ourselves was the gift of His grace as we ourselves are revealed reborn in Him and as Him. He's the one defining the seat of authority of "self". He has been revealed as our authentic selves and we can no longer say anything about ourselves that we cannot say about Him. He inherited all of our judgements against ourselves and suffered punishment for every infraction and transgression we recognized in ourselves as separating us from being His exact image and likeness. He became every contradiction and put it all to rest at the cross where He freed us to be as He is exactly as we are! He redefines every human relationship and we find our peace in only ever relating to Him as the all in all. We were never meant to converse or convene with any other idea of the creation than the one held by the Creator, and the Creator created us to converse and convene with Himself and only with Himself. So beginning with you and extending to all things everywhere, begin to notice respect appropriate and believe in the reality of your new definition in Christ, and of His occupancy of every title formerly held by every other human being, from neighbor to stranger to criminal to cousin to boss to slave to God to Father to Son.
Any wrong thing we ascribed to the title and position of God and of Father befell Him. He absorbed it's curse and remained blessed and the giver blessings as He became the scapegoat suffering the wrath we considered ourselves due. What fallen opinions we'd gathered concerning specific titles, ranks, or levels of prestige due to our personal judgements against those individuals themselves who sat upon those thrones built by our own human imaginations in our need to find expression of a God who is above us so that our own inherited sense of inferiority and beneathness could be sustained. The idea of a mother or an earthly father who is above us is also an invention of man's imagination in response to his need for an authority over him whose will is outside of his ability to control or influence and yet, whose presence hasn't eradicated the problems associated with the reign of the prior holder of the office, thus leading mankind to create justifications for why there's a perceived continued allowance of things contrary to the will of the one we elevate as being above/better than us.