Saturday, December 17, 2016

Radiant Son

Someone who's unable to understand God is equally unable to understand His Son, who's made in His own image and likeness. Apart from knowing Him, they cannot know you, and for this reason, what people experience of you is never consistent with the expectations of men. You disappoint men not by failing to satisfy their false standard, but by having abandoned human standards altogether, you acknowledged the far greater standards of the God-man Christ Jesus, which to this day and forever will testify of the one trustworthy measure of a man's dimensions-- the one that's endorsed by His designer. Only the creator's measurement of His creatures originates from the same source as the creation itself; no other measurement would accurately express the creature except for seeing it in light of it's creators intent. Who birthed the morning? Every seed produces after it's own kind; who birthed your consciousness? Just as no man knows the thoughts of men except the spirit that is in him, the mind cannot know itself but it's contents are illuminated and revealed by the Spirit's light. No man knows the measure of a man but by revelation of God, the greater being from whom every other created thing RECEIVED their being-ness. As the skies transcend the land, your ways are much higher than the ways of men because through Him, man defines you no more than an actors garment would define the part he plays in a play. Underneath and totally apart from the measures of men, we are measured Gods by the God who gave us birth. As the sun illuminates the Earth but is itself unbearably bright to the naked human eye, all things are bare to your eye, but you yourself are seen by no human eye but Your warmth completely exudes You.

Sunday, December 11, 2016


To understand what someone authentically means we must have authenticity in us. Even an accurate message is mistranscribed by a man with less than honest hearing. -f

Born of a Woman

Because Jesus as man identified God the Father of Spirit as His exclusive father, He likewise totally defines you. No one is robbed in Jesus' claim of equality with God, but His Grace is frustrated whenever anybody considers anything less true of you than what is true of Him. -f

Saturday, December 10, 2016


In a culture valuing being different from each other in some compelling way, and then managing their worth by allowing exclusive access to whoever pays the price deemed fair for the services or items rendered... people are kept blinded from the value that they themselves along with each and every other man, woman, and child shares in common. This immense value emanates from the fact that Jesus Christ is Himself a human being. His being a member of our race redefines our race into being exactly what He is. This treasure hidden in us in the gift of Jesus in us. Seeing Him as He is, the exact character and nature of God Himself, we are restored in our opinion of ourselves. He gives answer to the question of what man is; Jesus is what man is. That His truth is equally true about each of us does not cause division, exalting one man above while setting another beneath, but each and every man becomes equally defined as He is regardless of what relation they carry one to another, every relationship is sustained by each members direct relationship to the head.

Health is being joyfully responsive to the Head who Himself wills our health, wholeness, and well-being... hearing and accepting His Word causes our belief to rest upon the sufficiency of His will for us, knowing that He who is willing is also able to bring His will to pass in our lives apart from human contributions. This truth is equally true about everyone. I once thought, as a child, that if I alone had the gift to fly the pleasure it gave me would multiply. Soon I realized that I could never know such joy had I alone had access to the gift, so I figured I'd be able to pass that gift on as well. So I imagined passing it on to a woman, and I imagine she'd likely pass it on to other women to held her in high esteem and showed her respect. From that point, I'd consider there being men who see it and now want to be able to exhibit the same glory... So I imagine there arising counterfeits, likely flying apparatus' sustained by the fuel of men's own personal contribution. At that point I'd likely pass on the knowledge of my divinely enabled flight so as to eradicated every trace of the counterfeit and dispel any illusion they may have propagated concerning the character and purposes of those engaged in flight. At the end of the day, I'd will for everyone to have access to the ability to fly!

So then, that thing I once dreamed only desirable if it set me apart as an individual, being true only of me and of no one else, would actually be the opposite of what I desire. What I want is for anyone with the same heart and character and nature as me to have access to the gift and for anyone who doesn't, to not and for their counterfeits to be exposed so anyone with the same character as myself would be freed from the distracting lie their images propagated of there being another way to fly! Only the superior law of God's Lift cancels the Earth's Law of gravity, anything else is by way of brute force, requiring the input of exhaustible resources like efforts or natural resources. So then, our personal desire to be set apart is indeed satisfied by our engagement with this universal law not only because it so rarely is followed by those around us so it defines us at least in the sense of appearances to those who encounter us, but also because the universality of humanities inclusion of this Heavenly law of divine freedom defeats any accusation of "greed" against us or "slothful" behavior because everything God has was freely GIVEN to man in Sonship and we were given command to enter restful dependence on His grace alone and not to labor for our own bread ever again.

Any thought that would arise to challenge that God does bless the man who does not work according to the law for what to have is defeated by the incarnation. He specifically blesses the man who DOES NOT work for that fact, that He alone may provide for Him and that He being our source would free our hearts from worry or fluctuations due to change or deviations from perfect behaviors or attitudes in our own selves! Everything depends on Him and so we can rest. Even we depend on Him. What we do. He is freedom and all we do depends on Him. Sin is to be defined as a servant in His house and have rights go greater than a slave though you be lord of all while Righteousness is to be defined as a Son in His house by birth according to the blood and water of Christ's death and the Spirit of His live-giving resurrection in us. I think we're all good in going by our original name of "I am" and ceasing from self effort to set ourselves apart. His One glorious name is indeed glorious enough to equally glorify each of us in a way that doesn't detract from each other's glory but rather, fits together with it in a beautiful myriad of spontaneous poetry under the direct control of one intent, one spirit, which is the spirit of Grace, our response to what God has done for us and how He brought us to be! The celebration of eternal life, it's giver, and it's nature. <3

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

FLASH Drive!

The only storage device large enough to handle the download size of God's hard-drive, and able to unpack, process, and run all it's contents, briskly, thoroughly, and efficiently according to manufacturer's intended performance standard is... "I Am." We all have this treasure hidden in the dirt, soil we credit for every harvest, but underneath every tag, label, distraction and name that can be named is the One who's infinitely above every tag, label, distraction and name. Who is this One? Who else but "I Am!" So I am glad to know we are contained in the treasure of God's "I Am" in Jesus. So as we trust God's capacity to design a being capable of containing the full width, depth, height, and length of His Self, but hidden within "I Am", apart from any originators apart from He who alone is the Origin, we discover His gift to us... Which is a gift we've all already been given... The Gift of "I Am" in each of us, no matter who we are. Human definitions originating on Earth are tacky stage-clothes of thorny thistles compared to the name we carry in our deepest place, of the one who's exalted above all. So shed the slave-name and go by "I Am."

He suits you.


A "Weaker" Vessel?

While it is evident that the second is weaker than the first, being dependent on it, and it's true that the son of a man is weaker than the man from whom he descended, but by the incarnation of Jesus as a "Son of Adam," the entire order of things was flipped on it's head! Time itself was cut in two... call it what you want but we all know it's 2016 because something time-splitting happened 2016 years ago involving one man. One man... one "Son of Adam." Makes you reconsider some stuff... stuff about what being weaker really means, what being a son is, and what it means to be a member of "Adam-Kind". Relation to Adam doesn't define man anymore because it obviously wasn't big enough to define Jesus. Jesus came directly from God, and was knit together by God's hand in the womb of His mother. God testifies that His life reveals the life of every man, therefore we were equally knitted together by God's hand in OUR mother's wombs! Just as they confused him as the son of Mary and Joseph, and confused the son of David as being a man lesser than God who God would choose to redeem them, it turns out... the Son of Man is the Son of God! And as far as David? Well, let's let Jesus get on the mic and explain that one Himself: 

"If David then calleth him Lord, how is he his son?" -Matt. 22:45

Your natural birth doesn't define you any more than Jesus' natural birth defined Him. Beyond the body God prepared for you is the "you" who God loves. More precious than clothing, He gave you a temple... More precious than human physical food, He gave us Life. What sustains what? Who is sustaining who? The greater blesses the lesser, the parents sustain the child, Heaven sustains the Earth... To value Heaven more highly than Earth doesn't make you a monk or mean you deny the pleasures of Earth, but simply that you set it all in it's proper context. To treasure Earth more highly than Heaven would be the treasure the reflection of your face on the mirror more than the face it's reflecting! God loves your reflection, but it's the invisible "you" within that attracts the fullness of His gaze upon you.

When we value things as He does, accurately measuring their weight in reliance upon what His Scale reads, we'll find it easy to believe that He richly clothes us greater than Solomon or any flower in the field, feeds us, takes care of us financially above and beyond the work of sowing and reaping, above and beyond what's stored up in banks and storehouses... He unveils Himself our supply. Know then when you eat food that it isn't the natural substance alone that's sustaining you, but God's love in that food. That food represents the body of Jesus, testifying that the Word that God had spoken which had led to the materialization and incarnation of that food for you enjoyment and sustenance is FOR you. Jesus is equally included in every bite... that Word of God produced food is the flesh of Jesus Himself. Bon Appetite. -f #wallbreakers

"I Am" Habitation

We ARE the eternal habitations of God; Our bodies, His temple of lifeless flesh molded by His own hand, into "whom" He breathes His Life, His Name, and His Spirit. He speaks, and the full content of His message resonates in our hearts. Upon the still waters of "I Am", His face reflects. We notice ourselves already reflecting His I Am, for He remains who He is even while disguised in disfigured form... Jesus alone proves this true of "I Am"... namely that He is established above all, where neither moth nor rust destroy. There, established above and beyond the confines of the world's names and influences: YOU are the reflection of Him! Even at the height of your rebellion, calloused and broken, under the weight of every sin the world is guilty of and whose guilt you inherited by association. God forgives the guilt of the world's sin, removes from you the opinions of men and re-establishes you blameless as His Son. In His Son, we find the name above all names, and it is the treasure of "I Am" as He is in Jesus being equally "I Am" in you, me, and everybody we know because "I Am" don't quit! Free the I Am. Realize Jesus' source in our "I Am" and see Him as your own reflection, as seen in the still waters of Heaven, free from every wind of change and the brash breath of human opinions. He silences them all in alone defining the I Am in you as Himself. You and the Father are One. Beyond the flesh carrying you, the greatest treasure and part of you similarly existent in both waking life and dream is... God's I Am in Jesus. -f #codebreak

The Son's Breastplate

To guard your heart is to refuse to allow yourself to let anything that anybody says about you to shape the way you see or define your God-given self but remaining defined by God alone in Christ! Even when behaviors make us guilty by association, His Greater behavior already made you wholly innocent by association. He identified with us even as we identified with sin... And with there being no sin in Him, what's true in Him erased whatever wasn't true about us, namely, our sins. We now know sin isn't the truth of man, God is. Anything contrary to Truth therefore has lost it's power to deceive you into identifying with it. Not only are there no sins or flaws in you, but neither do your own innocent behaviors or righteous deeds define you. Good or bad, your own actions were completely stripped of the right to define you. You are not by the hand of man, but by the hands of Jesus. This truth remains true regardless of what men do with their hands. If if they crucified HIM by hand, and He still embraced us and returned to human life, what can you do by your own hand to top that? How can you ever change His mind? The truth is: You can't. No one can, not even Him. His final word defines you and alone declares you; we ourselves, along with all creation, similarly arose from this, His declaration, and so we are Lord over creation, having sprung from the same source though your name be more excellent than theirs. -F

Monday, December 5, 2016

Higher Standard

By God's perfect standard of Love, there isn't anyone past, present, or future, who satisfies the standard God has for humans except Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ, being God Himself, perfectly satisfies the design of God for mankind. Trying to satisfy the design of God for mankind by any other means would put us in direct competition with The Man, Christ Jesus. To choose ourselves over Him is to choose the Law over Grace. Scripture confirmed "God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." For any man or woman to choose a life of qualifying themselves in life, entitling themselves to honor, glory, or power, is to be tasked with the burden of perfectly accomplishing the law of God, which is to be God Himself. 
Because everyone except God Himself equally fails at being God, the people embraced "gods" who were distorted versions of themselves, which are versions of themselves being given the honor, glory, and power not due them but meant only for Christ. Now other people, seeing this honor and glory on someone other than God, feel pressured to accept this person instead of God as a source of inspiration for their own honor or glory. Because the honor or glory is skin deep, they end up carbon-copies of counterfeits, which would never satisfy the heart. Therefore, Jesus, goes one on one with the idols of the carbon-copies, exposing the counterfeits, taking everyone that claims to be worthy of the honor, glory, and power due God (whether a mother, a woman, a man, a father, a president, etc) and proving them equally insufficient before the written law of God by embracing Jesus Christ. By embracing the fulfiller of the written law of God, we're qualified to receive the benefits of one who fulfills the written law of God! These benefits are huge.


Friday, December 2, 2016

Showing Face

The unveiling of God's unchanging frame of mind (sustained by His eternal I-Amness) defeats death's dread, every shadow of change, dispels every doubting whisper and cancels every thought referencing the fall. Forever ascended, exalted to the highest from the lowest, our own deliverance from the crafty spells of humanities' I-am-not-nesses, now secured by Jesus' ascension to I-Am from death. The Spirit of God's I-Am illuminates Jesus' face as the eternal disposition of Our Father.

Nothing interferes with God's successful execution of His flawless design for you. Having already been accomplished before the formation of time and space, everything in all creation mirrors this pre-existant truth. This pre-existant truth is God Himself, and His total unveiling by Christ's execution on our behalf, the one act of perfect righteousness by which every man is defined as the reclaimed treasure of Jesus. In Him, God named us His own children and all creation resounds with the truth that He has imparted to us the gift of knowing ourselves in light of His Son.

Christ, the complete revelation of Light and the source of all wisdom, plainly expressed in human form to all of mankind as in a mirror. -f

"I am a Jew, but the glorious picture of the Nazarene made an overwhelming impression on me. No one has expressed himself so divine as He did. There is only one place on this earth where there is no darkness. That is in the person of Christ. In Him God has placed Himself in the plainest possible way right in front of us" -Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

It's YOU!

The Law and every stone-etched human governance system imaginable all share one glaring flaw: dependence on the belief of an assumed abs...